Above reaction is expected. In fact i am a little surprise why not more people against me.
Most of you think i hate Bart etc. In fact i never hated Bart . I do have opinion differences and i will say the truth what i think .
Bart this is what i have done last 2 days.
I have tested 3 best coticules which i have used 8 straight razor to sharpen.
This is the pictures of the stones i hope it will upload.
different view of the stones back side of the stones
Now what i did.
from left to right.
Stone Natural combo Belgian Coticule. very very fast cutter.
I decide try this first.
Pick up Ti razor and set the bevel with 1 k Norton.
Then moved straight to the coticule.
with a good slurry i made 200 strokes. stone was getting dirty right away i constantly have to add some water. this stone is so fast cutter which even after every 5-10 strokes i ended up adding more water.
checked the edge wasn't sharp enough. cuts arm hair with some force.
stated doing again 300 strokes just with water slurry was forming right away . now edge was getting sharper.
after 500 strokes i did make good slurry and start to dilute every 3 strokes made another 200 strokes. edge was sharp . start to popping hairs easily.
Now i was getting frustrated . i count how much time i have spend on this stone was making me crazy. But i never give up not my nature.
then switch my place to metal sing and start to sharpen clean under running water.did 100 laps check the edge. sharp but not shave ready or i will try to shave with it.
at the moment i was really thinking stop it. But decide i will do more laps on just running water.
End up doing 300 more. Edge was same. doesn't seems like i am doing anything to the razor.
Test the edge same quality.more then 1000 laps and blade is not shave ready?
took brake time didn't have any more patience to go.
come back and decide this is enough.
Switch to next stone. In picture second Salm stone.
Stone is natural belgian Combo.
used same razot TI and made slurry .
50 strokes and feel a lot sharper edge.Try to test arm hair was cutting without trouble. Again made slurry and made 50 more strokes. check the edge again. Blade was getting almost where i wanted.
added 50 more strokes and now i got want i need. edge was shave ready. checked under the microscope very nice edge.
Now i did made 1300 strokes and my razor was in satisfactory condition.
I had 7 more razors to go but lost so much time on first test thought will change strategy.
I knew already what i have in my first stone and need to make sure how good is second one.
took next blade to the 1k.3k, 4/8k norton spend less then 10 minutes. then move to my second coticule.
Again didn't take me long to see edge is getting better. made no more then 150 strokes. edge was satisfactory condition.
This was my second blade and on this test i spend almost 25 mnutes . was happy.
3 rd blade i used only Japanese stone until 10k and move to 2 coticule. edge did get slightly improvement.
i never spend more then 10 minutes on second socitule. edge was getting fine. Diluting untill i get clear water didn't add much to the edge. it just smooth the bevel .Edge was similar condition.
Last coticule i have tested long time ago and did test 1 more razor.
i knew this stone is very very slow cutter but fine stone.
made blade shave ready on norton and then move to 3 coticule. made 500 strokes . Edge comes close to Escher edge.
I stop test in here and this is my conclusion.
To me doesn't matter you could be agree or disagree with me. You could hate me or so on.
This test prove to me. there is different quality coticules out there.
if you can get cotiucle similar to 2 picture you are lucky and you will enjoy using it.
if you will get low quality coticule Sorry to say you will struggle and Blame yourself.
Adding water didn't help me. first coitucle never able to make blade shave ready although i spend most of the time on it.
Second coticule has no problem with slurry of without slurry edge was getting fine and in less strokes.
third one is a slower then chinese 12k.
if i try use that coticule to set bevel it will take months to get there.
Now You could think i don't know how to use hones, how to hone or i have no idea what i am talking about it. This is all my personal experience.
You guys may be the one of the lucky people out there just getting better coticules and have no problem
it may be. i don't know.
Bart i appreciate giving me chance to tell my opinion( haven't get banned yet) and don't think if i have a different opinion then you This is because i hate you or i want to hurt your side etc.I am not that type person and won't be never.
If any of you want to know how properly honed blade should act i can sharpen 1 blade for you without charge etc. This may give to you idea how properly honed blade should shave. I respect everyone's opinion. As long as they are honest opinions.
In my test could be bias yes? it is because i have tested only 3 coticule. to get more fair opinion i think person should test at least 50 coticules then will be fair.
Good luck and enjoy.
Should say this too. you could find bad English grammar or words etc on my writing and please don't raise flag and be proud of yourself.It is obvious English isn't my native language.
Edit this is the picture location you can see in there.