J&T® Zebrano OUMO Brush SHD WT (Super High Density, White Tips) finest 2-band badger 24 mm,
Mama Bear Ice,
Above The Tie S2,
PolSilver Super Iridium 3rd x,
Kremlon ice cream eau de cologne,
Toco-Tholin Lavender ASB,
Loris E-048 Cool Water.
Brush and soap:
J&T® Zebrano OUMO Brush SHD WT (Super High Density, White Tips) finest 2-band badger 24 mm and Mama Bear Ice:
J&T® Zebrano OUMO Brush SHD WT (Super High Density, White Tips) finest 2-band badger 24 mm with the fresh Mama Bear Ice were the base for a good start. Since I had to shave carefully around some cuts a nice layer of foam on the skin.
Blade and razor:
The PolSilver Super Iridium for the 3rd x used.
This morning a real Polsilver Super Iridium and yes the difference is palpable. Flashy sharp and no further damage. Just pay attention to the already created spots. The Above The Tie S2 with this Wrist Silver Super Iridium is an effective combination. Shaves absolutely smooth and I have to pay attention to the angle, but then something happens. Clear difference with the fake knife, that's how I dare to call the other one by now.
Result: BBS.
Finally: With the Kremlon Ice Eau de Cologne, toco-Tholin Lavender ASB and the Loris E-048 Cool Water I kept my head cool.
One more shave compared to another razor, but then I think it's clear.