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Finished soaps and creames

Rare moment for same shavers here, only one shave left.
190gr KEPKINH Anise & Cedrus LE in glas finished

First 2 soaps finished this year. TGS makes decent shaving soap, I enjoyed using them, but won’t buy again, there is more to discover :) . Both soaps are light lemon smelling. The mint in the lemon/mint soap is hardly recognizable, would be nice if the mint was more present. The sea/citrus soap has beside the lemon smell a salty hint that goes well with the lemon.

Empty, won't be replaced, very good but too expensive for a small tube (Orange and bergamot blended with lavender and neroli spicy nutmeg, middle notes of floral, and base notes of sandalwood, cedarwood, and vetiver)