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Finished soaps and creames

Today’s it’s gone. Good to have one still in stock.

Haslinger Schafmilch shaving soap

Loading became difficult so because it is a neutral smelling soap I pushed the last soft bits in tfs tabacco verde. That will be the next main soap.

I liked the Haslinger. It lathered well, and shaved nice



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I finished de vergulde hand shaving puck. I used it to shave my arm pits. For my face it is to drying. I will replace it with an arko shaving stick.

I call this one finished. When the soap is fresh the color is white and the smell is good, the last peace is running really bad. I think i didn't dry it enough.

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I sliced the La Toja stick and placed them in a TOBS pot, now it's finished...
La Toja is a very nice soap! Hope to buy it again, this time with the aftershave balm aswell.