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Go directly to the last post

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The King

Well-Known Member
A question: is there a possibility to change a setting somewhere that immediately shows you the first unseen post when you open a thread.?
I don’t think that is an option, it works automatically like that for me. Opening a thread takes me either to the first unread post, or, if there are no unread posts, to the thread starter.
If I open a wire like for example at the moment "Shave of the day" you can see that there are 5 pages at the moment but I get to see the first page.

So then I see 1 2 3 4 5 > and nowhere an entry goes to the last unseen post.

Do I have to press 5 and then end up at the top of this page after which I have to scroll to get to that post that I haven't read yet.

I find this a rather cumbersome way to get to the first unread post.
For me, it functions, when i click on a link to a thread that i have read before, it takes me to the first unread post there is. The one time it failed was when somehow auto-login had not worked, and i was directed to page 1, post 1.
Hmm i do not know if i describe this best:
When i go to the Forum list, and select a post thread coloured blue (new posts?) it takes me to the last read post +1, when the line is grey (no new posts?) it takes me to the first post on page one, is this correct?
This is the way I meant it, but because of your remark, I now realize that this is the difference.

For me it would work better if you are always (whether the wire is blue or gray colored) led to the last read / first unread post.
This is the way I meant it, but because of your remark, I now realize that this is the difference.

For me it would work better if you are always (whether the wire is blue or gray colored) led to the last read / first unread post.
I agree, it was confusing until i realised what was happening. Maybe it can be adjusted?
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