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Help me to Identify this coticule stone


Well-Known Member
Hi Friends,

I got this one from


Hey Gary my friend!

No, the kit came with a separate BBW.

I've been using this coti for almost 6 months with good results polishing the razors I bought from you.

Just that now I'm curious of what type I have.

ha which razors was it?

so you have been keeping the edge going with yellow coti :thumbup:

i'm sure bart will no which layer it is.
I've used BBW and Coti, I got the Dovo Special and the GENCO Easy Aces, my first and only two razors so far.

Last week I won a Klas Törnblom on eBay looking forward to try Dilucot on it.

That is no doubt a "La Nouvelle Veine". Those faint blue streaks on the lateral side of the Coticule, make a positive determination very clear.

Kind regards,
Thank you Bart!

That would be No. 8 in the Vault? being slow with water only, would you recommend doing halfstrokes in order to speed up during water only phase?

donald said:
I've used BBW and Coti, I got the Dovo Special and the GENCO Easy Aces, my first and only two razors so far.

Last week I won a Klas Törnblom on eBay looking forward to try Dilucot on it.


i remember now.
donald said:
Thank you Bart!

That would be No. 8 in the Vault? being slow with water only, would you recommend doing halfstrokes in order to speed up during water only phase?


you can use half strokes so long as you finish with normal x and light presssure.
donald said:
Thank you Bart!

That would be No. 8 in the Vault? being slow with water only, would you recommend doing halfstrokes in order to speed up during water only phase?


My advice is to first follow the guidelines of the Dilucot article.
During the dilution stage, try to listen (and feel) to the Coticule. You will really be able to monitor how the abrasion slowly diminishes from very present to almost non-existent on water. Aim to make that evolution has gradual as possible. It takes some practice before you can manage to control is. Maybe I could compare it to releasing the clutch of a car with manual transmission. It takes some getting used to, before one can release it without stalling the engine. The same in true for slurry dilution, albeit the process itself takes much longer.
If you have the feeling during a part of the dilution that you have lost track, just slow down, and spend some extra time at that level of slurry density, by only adding just enough drops to keep the slurry steady. Only then, carefully add drops faster than the slurry dried to get things moving again.

If you completed the entire procedure, first finishing on water with X-strokes and almost no pressure. The only easy way I know to see if the edge is truly ready, without performing an actual test shave, is to use the Hanging Hair Test.. If you did reasonable well, your razor will at least reach the "violin" stage of that test. At that point, you can try a number of different strategies to maximize the outcome. Adding a few sets of halfstrokes with slight pressure is one of the more efficient options to squeeze that evasive bit of final keenness out of a Coticule. If yo notice the smallest improvement on the HHT, after trying that, repeat it. La Nouvelle Veine Coticule are very smooth but very slow finishers. I often have to revisit the stone 3 or 4 times before I'm satisfied. Another strategy is to make use 100 stropping strokes with decent pressure. In between these variations I always finish with the regular 30 light X-strokes.
Whatever you do, just don't give up too soon. Once the edge is passed HHT-1, level 2 and 3 aren't far ahead, but reaching 3 will most likely make the difference between a mediocre and a superb shave.

Good luck and enjoy the effort,
All right, I had a HHT-2 out of the hone.

Tried half strokes with water (no improvement, maybe I did too much pressure?), stropping always helps a bit, but didn't reached what I wanted.

Then I tried 20 laps in a Swaty + 30 water only, no improvement either. So I did aprox 100 laps, until I could feel that adhesive feeling, in plain water, AND then it got better.

I test shaved and was not bad, but still not there. Guess I will do another 100 laps and test shave again.

As already stated, these La Nouvelle Veines are really very slow on water. It's merely a polishing what they offer.
I would rub the hone 4 (take that literal) times with the slurry stone flat on the hone. You might not see any slurry, but you'll feel the difference while honing. Give the razors 3 or 4 sets of halfstrokes on that surface. Add a drop of water each time you flip the razor. Next, still without rinsing the hone, give it 30 light X-strokes. Try a quick HHT to see if the edge improved. (Please let me know). If not, repeat the whole exercise. If the edge is responding, rinse everything very well, give it one set of halfstrokes and finish with 100 laps on clean water.
During halfstrokes, always apply some pressure. You must have the idea that your applying the pressure with the finger that rests on the razor and not with your wrist.

Also, the first stropping of a Coticule edge, is extremely important. Take your time on the linen.

It sounds to me like you"re really closing in.:thumbup:

Kind regards,
I did the first part of the exercise: 4 rubs + 4 sets + 30 x-strokes. It got a bit better, but not really that much, stropping in linen really brings the edge up a bit more.

Will repeat everything again and see what happens...
Well, it did improve, so that means the edge is still responding to the hone. Which is a good thing.

Just keep repeating that, till you don't discern any improvement. That's likely after the next round, but it could be 2 or 3 as well. Only then proceed with a fully rinsed hone and razor: as said, one set of halfstrokes and 100 light X-strokes.

Please bear with me for just another while... I think you're nearly done.

Kind regards,
Hi Bart,

I don't think is improving more (not that I perceive). But still, the HHT is somewhere between HHT-2 and HHT-3. I have another razor to compare (honed by you), and that one really slice the hair effortlessly. There's definitely room for improvement. Maybe I should hit the CrOx balsa? or maybe 50 or more laps in a Swaty?

This last bit seems to be difficult...
donald said:
Hi Bart,

I don't think is improving more (not that I perceive). But still, the HHT is somewhere between HHT-2 and HHT-3. I have another razor to compare (honed by you), and that one really slice the hair effortlessly. There's definitely room for improvement. Maybe I should hit the CrOx balsa? or maybe 50 or more laps in a Swaty?

This last bit seems to be difficult...

If you're at a HHT-3 off the hone, you're only a good stropping session (60/60 linen/leather) away from excellent shaves, in my experience.
Indeed, don't compare a razor that's already stropped with one that comes straight of a Coticule.

To rule out any misunderstanding: you repeated the procedure on extremely thin slurry twice and then finished with 100 laps on a well rinsed Coticule. And now the razor pops hairs at 1/2" of the holding point. If that is correct, you've done well. If not, try a few short sets of halfstrokes on plain water. With "short" sets, I mean no more than 10 back-and-forth motions before flipping the razor on its other side. Always finalize the effort with 30 light X-strokes.

Paul is absolutely correct that the edge needs to be stropped well, to unleash the full potential of the hones. 60 linen and 60 leather should really be enough. I have tried nylon "seatbelt" linen once. It did not work well. Just mentioning this, as I don't know the kind of linen you use.

After stropping a Coticule edge that pops hairs at short range, you should be able to pop the same hairs at 2" distance. If not, we must look at your stropping technique/equipment.

I don't know about using a Swaty, as I have no experience with these. I own 2 other barber hones, but so far I haven't found how they can be fit into honing approach that centers around a Coticule.

You can try 10 laps on the Balsa strop, but I could first test shave with the edge. After the Balsa strop, you can shave right off that, or refinish on the Coticule with water. Whatever you prefer.

Kind regards,
I was getting discouraged. But FINALLY did it. Did everything from scratch (few times): dulling, bevel perfection, dilution and finish.

Bart said:
Indeed, don't compare a razor that's already stropped with one that comes straight of a Coticule.

True, my bad.

Bart said:
To rule out any misunderstanding: you repeated the procedure on extremely thin slurry twice and then finished with 100 laps on a well rinsed Coticule. And now the razor pops hairs at 1/2" of the holding point. If that is correct, you've done well. If not, try a few short sets of halfstrokes on plain water. With "short" sets, I mean no more than 10 back-and-forth motions before flipping the razor on its other side. Always finalize the effort with 30 light X-strokes.

I tried and it remained HHT-2.

Bart said:
Paul is absolutely correct that the edge needs to be stropped well, to unleash the full potential of the hones. 60 linen and 60 leather should really be enough. I have tried nylon "seatbelt" linen once. It did not work well. Just mentioning this, as I don't know the kind of linen you use.

I did stropped, and as you guys said, it got noticeable sharper. I didn't liked the shave.

Bart said:
After stropping a Coticule edge that pops hairs at short range, you should be able to pop the same hairs at 2" distance. If not, we must look at your stropping technique/equipment.

My strop is a Tony Miller with Red Latigo and Linen.

Bart said:
You can try 10 laps on the Balsa strop, but I could first test shave with the edge. After the Balsa strop, you can shave right off that, or refinish on the Coticule with water. Whatever you prefer.

I decided to dull the edge and start over... got another HHT-2, probably I diluted too fast.

Next try, it was lot sharper than usual off the dilution phase, but I killed the edge somehow during polishing :confused:

Next try, after going through dilution, I decided to forget about counting, refreshed slurry and diluted again. This time used x-strokes, so that I can *feel* the dilution in slow motion, surprise surprise... it was HHT-3

Then I did 10 laps in the balsa, and finished with 30 laps water only, 60 linen, 60 leather. The shave was BBS all the way! This has been a one time success with Dilucot which I hope I can reproduce... let's see.

Thank you very much for the support!
