donald said:
Thank you Bart!
That would be No. 8 in the Vault? being slow with water only, would you recommend doing halfstrokes in order to speed up during water only phase?
My advice is to first follow the guidelines of the
Dilucot article.
During the dilution stage, try to listen (and feel) to the Coticule. You will really be able to monitor how the abrasion slowly diminishes from very present to almost non-existent on water. Aim to make that evolution has gradual as possible. It takes some practice before you can manage to control is. Maybe I could compare it to releasing the clutch of a car with manual transmission. It takes some getting used to, before one can release it without stalling the engine. The same in true for slurry dilution, albeit the process itself takes much longer.
If you have the feeling during a part of the dilution that you have lost track, just slow down, and spend some extra time at that level of slurry density, by only adding just enough drops to keep the slurry steady. Only then, carefully add drops faster than the slurry dried to get things moving again.
If you completed the entire procedure, first finishing on water with X-strokes and almost no pressure. The only easy way I know to see if the edge is truly ready, without performing an actual test shave, is to use the
Hanging Hair Test.. If you did reasonable well, your razor will at least reach the "violin" stage of that test. At that point, you can try a number of different strategies to maximize the outcome. Adding a few sets of halfstrokes with slight pressure is one of the more efficient options to squeeze that evasive bit of final keenness out of a Coticule. If yo notice the smallest improvement on the HHT, after trying that, repeat it. La Nouvelle Veine Coticule are very smooth but very slow finishers. I often have to revisit the stone 3 or 4 times before I'm satisfied. Another strategy is to make use 100 stropping strokes with decent pressure. In between these variations I always finish with the regular 30 light X-strokes.
Whatever you do, just don't give up too soon. Once the edge is passed HHT-1, level 2 and 3 aren't far ahead, but reaching 3 will most likely make the difference between a mediocre and a superb shave.
Good luck and enjoy the effort,