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Help me to Identify this coticule stone

i have tm linen /litigo and tm horse hide. i prefer the horshide .why because the blade does'nt stick and grip to horse hide like litigo,thats why i stopped using litigo.too much draw for me.The linen works a treat. the genco i sold you should hone up real well on coticule.stick at it you will see the edges are very smooth. It was when bart honed a razor for me that i was shocked at how well the razor passed the hht, the shave was like smooth as butter.i can acheive the same edge not every time but i no it can be done with patients, its well worth the wait.
It sounds to me like you are not quite getting there with your dilution, I have often found if I dont get it spot then I can pull it back with the Balsa and Crox, if I finish on coti/water and strop just as you did, the edge is spot on.

You have done great :thumbup:

Keep at it and you will sooner or later find no need for the balsa

Best Regards
Ralfson (Dr)
Triple cheers for your perseverance. I often say that the learning curve for honing razors on a Coticule is like learning how to ride a bike. Seemingly impossible to stay upright on those 2 small wheels and nearly impossible to explain what exactly made it work once you figured out how to do it.

donald said:
Next try, after going through dilution, I decided to forget about counting, refreshed slurry and diluted again. This time used x-strokes, so that I can *feel* the dilution in slow motion, surprise surprise... it was HHT-3

Then I did 10 laps in the balsa, and finished with 30 laps water only, 60 linen, 60 leather. The shave was BBS all the way! This has been a one time success with Dilucot which I hope I can reproduce... let's see.

Next time you hit HHT-3, try to strop the edge and test shave. Dilucot takes time before you can maximize your success rate with it. The balsa strop is an excellent backup plan for those times the results after Dilucot leave something to be desired. Personally I use the Unicot procedure for backup. There were times I had to revert to my backup plan 9 out of 10. Nowadays I only use Unicot in specific cases, but it took over a year and a few 100's razors before I could repeat my outcome in total confidence. (Note: that was with the "old" Dilucot procedure, which was more challenging).

Thank you for keeping us updated on your progress,

i actauly think using unicot as back up plan is ideal. as you are still using one hone to do it all and no messing with paste etc. i should imagine the edge of unicot should last much longer.

why i'm on this section. when doing touch ups on a dilucot edge , Bart are you doing normal x's or a thew back and forth strokes followed by say 30 normal light x stroke's. this is for refreshing an all ready shave ready blade that is just loosing performance?
garyhaywood said:
why i'm on this section. when doing touch ups on a dilucot edge , Bart are you doing normal x's or a thew back and forth strokes followed by say 30 normal light x stroke's. this is for refreshing an all ready shave ready blade that is just loosing performance?

I usually do about 50 light X-strokes. If I still have the feeling things could be better, I'll do 2 sets of pressured halfstrokes on water and again 50 light X's, before a following shave.

Kind regards,
All Right,

I could get ANOTHER great edge, this time in the GENCO Easy Aces.

Had to go back to the hone for 2 sets of half-strokes on water only (no need for balsa hone this time) and then lots for x-strokes with only the weight of the razor while watching TV.

Shave was BBS again. I will keep this edge as long as possible with the strop only.

I think my stone is not exactly like the No.8 description, it takes like 2 or 3 sets of half-strokes before the slurry start turning dark.

Now I'm just wondering... should start hunting for a 175-200 x 40-50mm La Veinette or La Dressante, maybe is faster/easier? or should not make such a big difference if I only hone for personal use (3 razors)?


I wouldn't recommend hunting down another stone unless you just want one. You're reaching a point where you are achieving good results... why mess with a good thing? If you want to play around, experience other coticules, etc., then that's one thing, but if you want to just hone your razors, you're well on your way, sir.