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Hi from Sassenheim


Although Sassenheim might sound German, it is in Holland. So yup, another bloke from the lowlands.
I have past the 50 years, married and two teenagers. I converted to the wet shaving guild last year in December. Every since I have bought various DE safety razors. And I already have more soaps and blades I will ever be able to use in my lifetime. At the moment I am very much into the MdC soap I bought recently. Together with slant razors using Feathers or Personas or Voshkods or Polsilver or ....
Welcome Ramon, a bit late to start wet shaving so you have to double your effort, you definitly need more stuff!
I will just wait till The King puts up a batch of soaps up for sale...

I have seen photos of the collections other people have. Shelf, cupboard, room, cellar, sea container etc. Although I would love to collect such a vast amount of shaving hardware and software, it defeats a bit the purpose. Last year I was done of buying those expensive cartridges. Turning, swiveling, vibrating fusion thingies with more blades than I can count with my fingers on one hand. So I promised myself, I would spend less money on shaving.
After 9 months I even don’t dare to think of what I have spend by now. 5 or 6 razors, including a not so cheap Charcoal Goods, MdC soap and numerous others and a whole drawer of razor blades. Something went terribly wrong... I probably need to see a psychiatrist or need to join a self help group.

I have read about having a strong back bone or the lack of it before. I am now just hoping to see a Kickstarter project which offers a special mouse which wouldn’t allow you to click on “buy now”...
Recently I wanted to offer another batch of soaps for sale at another location, but I think something came up. ;)

Now there is also a market part here so probably soon I will offer a box with soaps again.

And we don't need psychiatrists here to realize that this hobby is extremely addictive, incredibly expensive and almost impossible to cure.:mad:

And if you are almost cured, there are always members here who manage to stimulate the urge to buy again. :kaputtlachen1
Something went terribly wrong... I probably need to see a psychiatrist or need to join a self help group....

Any idea how much that would cost you for a hour of therapy? Cheaper option send the stuff to my address postage paid by me and just use one item of each, you will be so much happier!

I have read about having a strong back bone or the lack of it before. I am now just hoping to see a Kickstarter project which offers a special mouse which wouldn’t allow you to click on “buy now”...

Ai, still using a mouse? You need to buy a new computer with touch screen, o wait no don't as then you'll need to control 10 fingers instead of one mouse ;)
Hm. Would make for an interesting experiment. Only use the touchscreen for hitting the order button, and never clean it. After a while the distribution of dirt on your screen shows the distribution of order button placement.
Then that can be combined with webshopdata, to find out what place has most visits resulting in orders, and then they’ll all place the button in the same spot. We no longer have to search, instead we hit it without thinking, and screen suppliers can work on making that part more dirt resistant and resilient.