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July 5th to July 11th

Second shave of the day

Schick ProLine (head)
Raw Shaving RS-10 Aggr (face)
Shavemac Male Ebonite 2 Band Unique Silvertip Badger 26mm
St. James of London Cedarwood & Clarysage
Myrsol Plastic Shave

Oumo Brush LE 095/102 / silk HMW gel tip 26 mm,
Mühle R41 (2013),
Astra Superior Platinium 5e x,
PeReJa Lavender edc,
Vivo Per Lei Hyacinth Hand & Body Lotion,
Ach Brito Lavender Eau de Cologne.


Brush and soap:
Oumo Brush LE 095/102 / silk HMW gel tip 26 mm and Lavanda:
Nice lavender job this morning. Pair of cm Lavanda from the tube in the shaving bowl and lather with the warm Oumo Brush LE 095/102 / silk HMW gel tip 26 mm. Slowly water dripping to create a nice frothy brush. Yes brush, because this monster sucks the whole bowl empty. After 3 laps there is still enough foam in the brush for another turn.
Blade and razor:
The Astra Superior Platinium for the 5th x used.
The Astra Superior Platinium 5 has easily reached my 5 norm and will do it still for a while. In the Mühle R41 (2013) the Astra Superior Platinium is prominent present. Actually too effective for my needs. Strange, think my skin slowly changes over the years. Looks like I appreciate less and less the really more effective scrapers. I need to find out where this is coming from.
Result: DFS.
Finally: with the PeReJa Lavender edc, Vivo Per Lei Hyacinth Hand & Body Lotion and Ach Brito Lavender Eau de Cologne finished and I smell nice and fresh to delicious lavender again.

Pre-Shave: GEO.F.Trumper Limes Skinfood
Shaving Soap/cream: TOBS Lime Zest

Shaving Brush: Razorock Plissoft syntheet

DE-Razor: Razorock Gamechanger SB 0,84
DE-Blade: Gilette Nacet 2x

Aftershave: Esprit de Valdemar Portugal

The TOBS Lime Zest is a sample which I received from Jan my thanks. daumenh!

The Lime Zest is a fine, slightly pungent lime scent that can charm me. This is the alternative for the chemical smell that the current Lemon & Lime has.
But in the same scent line the Castle Forbes is the undisputed topper.

The second relief is the Gamechanger's shaving behaviour compared to the Mamba.
There are members who compare these two to each other in my opinion it's comparing apples with pears.
Brad Sears/Morris & Forndran 1XL in Finest Badger, Disco Haze
Razomaster - Daichi
Valencia - 501A
Voskhod (3)

All hail to the Valencia baby!
Pretty TI @SammieM
There's a few brands/models straight razors I'd like to add to my collection, and this is high on the list. First I have to get rid of some though ...
Turkish Thursday

M-keramiek scuttle
Marmara barber brush
More for your barber shaving soap
IC Vincent le souverain 6/8
Vdh alum
Humphrey's witch hazel
Arko gold AS, Isana ultrasensitive balm

Turkish brush, soap and AS.

Razor used is new and French. The previous owner has scharpened it very good. The shave was nice.

This razor and the razors I bought from @Tony show that there is room for improvement in my honing skills.
