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layer ID please


i wonder if these pink spots can be garnet.theyre are thousands of them 1-3 microns.the layer looks to me to be la nouvelle but i need a confirmation and dont know wether to classify it as standard or select grade either.there are 2 manganese swooshes on the bbw side.altogether a very nice stone that gives me great edges for shaving.µ

I have no clue of the layer But I did make show up you images you do this like this:
where the 1 stands for the first attachment and the 2 for the Second attachment, ...

kind regards
I've never seen a Coticule like that. I've seen those features on separate samples, but never combined on the same stone . I believe I urgently need to pay Ardennes a visit. Weird and exciting things seems to be going on at the current depth they're quarrying.

The specks are no garnets. The garnets in Coticules can't bee seen with the naked eye.

I have a video on YouTube, in which I am studying one of such specks at high magnification. You can see how I can easily scratch a groove in them with a needle tip. If they were garnets, that wouldn't be possible, as garnets are harder than the steel of my needle tip.

If you're a good observer, you'll notice that there's a smaller particle on the right side of the view, that flares up each time the light reflecting of the needle hit it. I don't know if that's a garnet, but it's definitely more in the right range of size.

Sorry that I can't determine the layer of your Coticule. Maybe I'll know more after visiting Ardennes later this month. In that case, I'll post back.

Kind regards,
any new ideas from visiting the mine on the layer this comes from?:confused: i have an idea but would like a confirmation.
I'm not the one being asked, but it looks to me like La Grise and La Nouvelle Veine merged together, with the Grise side on the bottom. As far as the speckles, I have no clue.
I still haven't got a clue about the speckles either.
I agree with Jared. It looks a lot like a La Grise, certainly with the particular appearance that gradual, reddish transition between the Coticule and the BBW. At the same time, the blue stratification lines, are more consistent with La Nouvelle Veine.

My visit to the quarry yielded no further information. I did not see similar stones over there. Looks like you have a quite unique specimen over there. :thumbup:

Kind regards,
well now im totally confused i had la dressante in mind or even a au blue. your both saying grise or nouvelle,im as stumped as everyone else is.thank god its nevr really got anything to do with layer and everything to do with the quality of the final product and i have been happy with that.the final product.thanks for the help guys,and if anyone has any stone quite similar to close and has a definate strata please chime in. i still have no idea so anything at this point would be taken into consideration.:sleep: i really like the new emoticon:sleep:
My pet theory is that, given that those two layers are right next to each other, they merged where your stone was in the ground, as apparently that has been happening some in the part of the quarry that is currently being exploited.

It certainly is a very beautiful stone. I hope you enjoy it!