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May 24th to May30

Vie-Long Epsilon White Horse Hair "Fan Shape" 27mm,
Martin de Candre Original,
Timeless Solid Bar scalloped 0.95,
Trig Silver Edge Stainless Steel Blade 2nd x,
Ilgaz Düzce Tütün (Tabac),
Vivo Per Lei Hyacinth Hand & Body Lotion,
Pinaud-Clubman Special Reserve.


Brush and soap:
Vie-Long Epsilon White Horse Hair "Fan Shape" 27mm and Martin de Candre Original:
Smooth shape this morning, because I'm busy. Caravan packing for the first trip this year. 2 more shaves and then a month in the cabin. With the Vie-Long Epsilon White Horse Hair "Fan Shape" 27mm foam beaten from the Martin de Candre Original. No need for connoisseurs to explain, what the result is and with this foam any kind of preshave is superfluous.
Blade and razor:
The Trig Silver Edge Stainless Steel Blade for the 2nd time used.
The Trig Silver Edge Stainless Steel Blade could plough nicely through the full smooth grease and delivered a satisfactory smooth skin. The Timeless Solid Bar scalloped 0,95 slides nicely on that MDC and forms a reasonably effective combination with the Trig Silver Edge Stainless Steel Blade. For the head a little too much good, so beware that there is absolutely no pressure, which is not easy with this rather weighty razor. Well that went well in the end.
Result: BBS.
Finally: immaculately fresh with the Ilgaz Düzce Tütün (Tabac), and cared with the Vivo Per Lei Hyacinth Hand & Body Lotion. Pinaud-Clubman Special Reserve as a nice spicy scent to conclude and then get to work.