Well smythe, it a good thing you held out on this one. The end of the blade was bent at a pretty good angle, I dunno how it would of gotten like that. I had to turn it into a round point to true it up a little better. There is also some pitting along the bottom heel, but that can be fixed easily. Is there a way I could shine this one up and not remove the grinder marks?been looking for another romo for quite some time… almost wished i found that one before you did... congrats ROMOs are great shavers and unique too.
Ahhh, beautiful. Cedrick, should your bout of madness kick in again, please contact me ASAP.Smythe said:Here is a photo of one I sold in a bout of madness:cry: .
Better take him up on his offer, I'm not selling mine anytime soon!will find another... soon?
There is another one out there?Bart said:That's odd: I have here a razor on loan from Ray, that looks almost identical. Damn' fine shaver too (honed by Ray's magic hands).
It really looks like a twin of the ROMO, scales included.
Only this one says: "Scotland & Munro - Cohoes, N.Y." and on the other side of the tang: "Krusius brothers, Germany".
Best regards,
Bart said:Here a quick picture (I didn't care to wipe the oil of the blade)
It has a mild curve at the spine (compare with green straight line). "Plings" very loud, sings when stropped, and screams her way through stubble.![]()
Talk to Ray. It's his razor. You never know.tat2Ralfy said:You see if I was covetous in any way I would want one of those now, but I dont! no way not at all Honest!![]()