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my new rock


I bought an old glued coticule/bbw combination on Ebay recently. It arrived with the coticule side lapped (I'll have to take care of the BBW side when I get a chance). From my reading here and elsewhere, it appears that identification of these vintage-type glued stones is likely not possible. Damn. I also see very few "personality traits" in this stone, at least not on the major surfaces, so I won't even bother with the "what is this????" post. I'll reserve my disappointment with not being able to derive its origin.

I messed around with it for a half hour or so last night using a DMT plate for slurry generation and an old wester bros razor in good shape, but to which I have absolutely no attachment. I am excited! I've never honed a razor while holding the stone in my hand and that's going to take some getting used to, but I was already figuring out a good X stroke.

I don't want to use the DMT plate forever, so I'm looking for a slurry stone. Forgive my unfamiliarity and ignorance, but does it matter what slurry stone I get? Why not get a soft slurry stone so that it degrades over time rather (or faster) than the large stone? I recall seeing a post here or there discussing differing aspects of slurry stones from different veins. I guess I'm just looking for any advice on how to pick a slurry stone out.

Of course, feel free to chime in with "hey, dumbass, it's a slurry stone, it doesn't matter." That would be fine too.:)
Hi Jim,

Please show us a picture anyway. You never know something can be said about it.

As far as slurry stones go, to my knowledge, everyone that ever ran serious and unbiassed tests (including myself) could not determine any meaningful difference between the use of various slurry stones. Maybe with the one exception that using a slurry stone from a fast layer speeds up the process, but only during the first 30 strokes or so. This can be explained by the fact that the garnets wear but as the honing action itself also abraded the Coticule, new garnets are set free with each honing stroke.

Kind regards,
Thanks Bart! I'm heading out of town this weekend so the picture might have to wait until next week. Thanks also for your much kinder and more deferential version of hey, dumbass, it's a slurry stone, it doesn't matter. :D

With regard to the BBW side, I'm interested in trying to use that as well. I'm looking at the combination slurry stones but since the BBW side is comparatively much thicker than the coticule, I am somewhat less worried about using the DMT on that side. Is that a feasible way to save a few bucks? is the BBW slurry stone worth it? Perhaps I'm asking for an opinion and it's a ymmv-type-thing, but opinions are valuable just the same.

Hi Jim you well come.You can without doubt use a DMT to produce slurry.However the coticule ore the BBW enough for time life.Of Course a slurry stone is better but just for sentimental reasons to the natural things.As i know a slurry stone costs a peanuts.
Best regards