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My old traditional honing.

emmanuel said:
Can you imagine after a little practice the result Ralf?:thumbup:

Absolutely :thumbup:

And I intend to exploit this method fully my friend

Best regards
Ralfson (Dr)
I'm enjoying this technique.
Mixing it up with half strokes and x strokes helps me find a nice rhythm. :thumbup:
I'm a rank beginner, Emmanuel, but I thoroughly intend to store your techniques in my memory banks and put them into practice.

Thank you for being so generous with your skills.
BlacknTan said:
I'm a rank beginner, Emmanuel, but I thoroughly intend to store your techniques in my memory banks and put them into practice.

Thank you for being so generous with your skills.
RicTic said:
I'm enjoying this technique.
Mixing it up with half strokes and x strokes helps me find a nice rhythm. :thumbup:
RicTic said:
I'm enjoying this technique.
Mixing it up with half strokes and x strokes helps me find a nice rhythm. :thumbup:
Go ahead mates,me too i am working with Bart's method ,having same excelent result .at least
HHT #4.
At your disposal.