hello, bart i m honing with nakayama asagi and i think that i have the same problem that you mention here : " if i allow the slurry to become dry and pastelike the edge will dull beyond the capabilities of the refined slurry"..if i have understand correctly i have the similar problem :
when i hone on nakayama i make a milky slurry until the razor pass the HHT very well, after that in the final polishing stage i hone until the slurry become paste like or dry but i had a big surprise!: NOW THE HHT IS NOT THE SAME! the edge seems to be dulled!
do you maintain the consistency of the slurry (add a drop of water) to avoid the "paste like" consistency???
when i hone on nakayama i make a milky slurry until the razor pass the HHT very well, after that in the final polishing stage i hone until the slurry become paste like or dry but i had a big surprise!: NOW THE HHT IS NOT THE SAME! the edge seems to be dulled!
do you maintain the consistency of the slurry (add a drop of water) to avoid the "paste like" consistency???