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Nov. 10th - Nov. 16th 2019


Well-Known Member
  • Noble Otter "Orbit"
  • Mühle STF L
  • R41 / ASS
  • Tabac AS
  • Tabac EdC
Razor: Parker 87R
Blade: Hema (7)
Pre-Shave: None
Shaving Bowl: Edwin Jagger
Soap: SweynForkbeard Vanilla Tobacco Leaf
Brush: AP Shave CO 24mm Tuxedo Blue Lagoon handle
Aftershave: Physalis Hamameliswater
Aftershave: Cien X-Bolt
Aftershave: Cien Aftershave Balsem
EDT: G Bellini NO1
Stirling 26/54,
Lea Classic,
RazoRock Game Changer 84P on Stork Consul handle,
Gillette Nacet (1),
Bruno Banani Dangerous Man on ice.


What a nice and trustful combination of blade, razor and soap!

Have a nice Sunday!
  • Krect Spiral Curve
  • Polsilver Super Iridium (1)
  • Yaqi 30mm Black Fibre
  • Mama Bear - Dublin Tweed
  • Green Charm Cosmetics - Green Vetiver AS
The Krect was a nice surprise, mild but effective, a DFS & BBS, 3 rounds, but no hunting for strays..
The Yaqi performed better than expected, my first impression was to much backbone, but in use it is not that noticeable.
The Mama Bear, great scent, not strong enough, but i am a bit peculiar in that regard. I had some trouble getting a good lather, more water needed to be added, it is almost as thirsty as a Stirling can be ;-)
The GCC Green Vetiver is a very nice scent, not enough staying power, but for the time it lasts a very good composition.

Pre-shave: T & H Comfort oil
Shaving Soap / Cream: Acqua Di Parma
After Shave : Acqua Di Parma

Shaving Brush: Shavemac 28 mm. Fan Silvertip Badger 2 bander

Safety Razor: Paradigm 17-4
Razor Blade: Gillette Super Platinum Indian Black

A sunny Sunday starts with the sunny scent of the Acqua di Parma and you immediately have a sunny mood. :)
Razor: Parker 97R
Blade: Voskhod (1)
Pre-Shave: None
Shaving Bowl: Edwin Jagger
Soap: BeecosmeticsGR Anise & Cedrus
Brush: AP Shave CO 24mm Silksmoke Black handle
Aftershave: Physalis Hamameliswater
Aftershave: Cien X-Bolt
Aftershave: Cien Aftershave Balsem
EDT: G Bellini NO1
Prep: Cold water
Razor : Koraat 8/8 (1/4 hollow)
Lather: Noble Otter Jungle Warrior
Brush: Morris&Forndran Style 3 Ocean Mist Acrylic (26mm Finest Badger)
After-shave: Cold water --> Saponificio Varesino Settantesimo Anniversario (70th Anniversary)


Pre-shave: Castle Forbes
Shaving Soap / Cream: Castle Forbes 1445
After Shave Balm: Castle Forbes 1445

Shaving Brush: Proraso

Safety Razor: Wolfman Titanium 22 T1 0,74 / Stork Titanium Aristrocat
Razor Blade: Gillette Super Platinum Indian Black

Quite rare for me to shave two days in a row. Just barely enough stubble for a 2 pass shave.
Had some trouble with the lather drying and disappearing on my face.
Probably an incorrect soap/water ratio. Lathering itself in the bowl is effortless with Mama Bear. Had to reload halfway the shave. Maybe I’m getting too much used to my non-glycerine based soaps.