Shavemac Silvertip D01 2 band bulb 24 mm x 50 mm Jungle Moss,
The Dutch Barbershop Herbal Grinded Lemon,
Gillette New,
Gillette Nacet Stainless (Russia) 2nd x,
Eyüp Sabri Tuncer Kolonya Klasik Limon,
Seinz. After Shave Balsam,
Pinaud-Clubman Citrus Musk Eau de Cologne.
Brush and soap:
Shavemac Silvertip D01 2 band bulb 24 mm x 50 mm Jungle Moss and The Dutch Barbershop Herbal Grinded Lemon:
The Shavemac Silvertip D01 2 band bulb 24 mm x 50 mm Jungle Moss is a beautiful and sturdy tie. But also a nice firm soap eats monster. The The Dutch Barbershop Herbal Grinded Lemon is a richly foaming soap, but with this brush I keep loading, while there is hardly any foam in the bowl, it will appear during beating. I experience this with a lot of soaps with this brush. I have 3 top badgers and with all three I experience this, but this one is very bad. In the end it is nice foam to shave with, but also to rinse away from the brush after use. Ergo fine brush, but if you want to get rid of your soap, you only have to use it...
Blade and razor:
The Gillette Nacet Stainless (Russia) for the 2nd time used.
The Gillette Nacet Stainless is very good. In the Gillette New, the Gillette Nacet Stainless shaves comfortably, despite being in an OC razor.
Result: BBS.
Finally: Eyüp Sabri Tuncer Kolonya Klasik, Limon Seinz. After Shave Balsam and Pinaud-Clubman Citrus Musk Eau de Cologne to freshly and fruitfully start the day.