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I've noticed that there are some coticules in the vault with no testing. Nº48 is one such, and I'm very interested to know something about it... Is it La Verte? La Grise with inclusions?
I tried finding info on the coticules in the vault without a report a while back, but I don't recall seeing anything about N[sup]o[/sup]48. The only "orphaned" one I found anything about was N[sup]o[/sup]27, with a comment about it having inclusions in it that would damage the edge.
It's a La Verte, very similar to n°50, just a tad slower. Somehow, I forgot publishing the results of that one. During the Coticule weekend, I noticed it sitting in a cardboard box on a shelf in Maurice's office, together with 2 or 3 other unsold hones from previous Vault batches. I found it strange to see a La Verte, because I thought they'd all found homes. I presumed that perhaps someone didn't honor his reservation, and gave it no further thought.
It's a La Verte, very similar to n°50, just a tad slower. Somehow, I forgot publishing the results of that one. During the Coticule weekend, I noticed it sitting in a cardboard box on a shelf in Maurice's office, together with 2 or 3 other unsold hones from previous Vault batches. I found it strange to see a La Verte, because I thought they'd all found homes. I presumed that perhaps someone didn't honor his reservation, and gave it no further thought.
The price is written in pencil on the the surface: 100 EUR
If I recall well, this is a 50X200 natural combo hone, perhaps even 60X200, I'd have to check with Maurice.
It was a reduced price, because of the less than average Coticule thickness.
Please accept my apologies in that case, Paul.
I don't even recall such an e-mail, the situation has grown completely out of hand.
I am trying to reorganize/delegate stuff for months now, but tasks and ideas pile up faster than I can get them organized. Some drastic meassures may be in order.
Tomorrow, I'll go through the e-mails I have from you and see what I can find.
Please accept my apologies in that case, Paul.
I don't even recall such an e-mail, the situation has grown completely out of hand.
I am trying to reorganize/delegate stuff for months now, but tasks and ideas pile up faster than I can get them organized. Some drastic meassures may be in order.
Tomorrow, I'll go through the e-mails I have from you and see what I can find.