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Unfortunately, I was stupid enough to trade it.
Ha ha...I'm glad to hear you say that!

Confirms my opinion (and the opinion of some others) that it was indeed a nice one!

In this hobby, as well as a lot of other hobbies involving antiques (cars, etc.) I'm sure that most of us have found that we've traded away something that we wish we had back later. Or, even more frequently perhaps, that we have bought an item only to later see one that's "just a little bit better", or just a little bit (sometimes a lot) less money than we paid. Just goes with the territory, I think.

Cheers and thanks all, for the comments and the interest.
Doesn't look like zamak to me, either brass or German silver.
Interesting. Reading about German Silver I see that its a copper alloy (as opposed to zamak being a zinc alloy), that it's hard, lightweight, corrosion resistant and considered by some as being of a higher quality than brass. Makes me rethink always equating "weight" with "quality" when it comes to razors. Thanks for the tip.