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Schick Injectors

As you are from the UK, your best blade options is:
And yes, you will want at least that many, as you will get hooked on injectors.
(If I had only 28 I'd start trembling)
That's brilliant thanks very much for that, I've added those to basket now :)
Oh wow, well I do tend to get collecting fever whenever i'm interested in anything (ask my long suffering partner :rofl), so yes quite possibly I will want more.
Hello all
Quick update. I have today shaved with the NOS Schick Injector & the blades recommended off Amazon.
Very nice, seems quite a mild razor. I'd say the shave isn't quite as close as my old open comb Gillette but it's very pleasant to use. The blade changing mechanism is uber cool IMO. This is one I could see me taking on holiday a lot as somehow I think it would be great for that.
It's a hit & I will be using it again.
Hello all
Quick update. I have today shaved with the NOS Schick Injector & the blades recommended off Amazon.
Very nice, seems quite a mild razor. I'd say the shave isn't quite as close as my old open comb Gillette but it's very pleasant to use. The blade changing mechanism is uber cool IMO. This is one I could see me taking on holiday a lot as somehow I think it would be great for that.
It's a hit & I will be using it again.
So, what model is it? Pics (with original blade magazine)? Then we can tell you if they are worth trying.
Hello all
Quick update. I have today shaved with the NOS Schick Injector & the blades recommended off Amazon.
Very nice, seems quite a mild razor. I'd say the shave isn't quite as close as my old open comb Gillette but it's very pleasant to use. The blade changing mechanism is uber cool IMO. This is one I could see me taking on holiday a lot as somehow I think it would be great for that.
It's a hit & I will be using it again.
We need pix bubba.
Hello all
Hope this works ok never posted pics on here before.


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