One of my first, possibly the first, wedge-type SE I acquired: the Rose Selbstrasirer.
Basically a Kampfe-type lathercatcher with a two-piece handle and a stroppinghelp, packed in a tin can that no longer shows what it was for. As this is from around 1896 I found that not too surprising, although I've seen them better preserved.
Originally it came with a Rose blade, mine with a Henkels.
The head has two little "points on top. These are actually adjustment screws, that you can use to adjust how far the blade can move to the comb. The lower part of the handle has a small slot in one end (not photographed because I discovered this feature after taking pics for years ago) that will fit the points and let you adjust.
Last two pics shows similarities and differences with the Comfort SE.
Basically a Kampfe-type lathercatcher with a two-piece handle and a stroppinghelp, packed in a tin can that no longer shows what it was for. As this is from around 1896 I found that not too surprising, although I've seen them better preserved.
Originally it came with a Rose blade, mine with a Henkels.
The head has two little "points on top. These are actually adjustment screws, that you can use to adjust how far the blade can move to the comb. The lower part of the handle has a small slot in one end (not photographed because I discovered this feature after taking pics for years ago) that will fit the points and let you adjust.
Last two pics shows similarities and differences with the Comfort SE.