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Shaving Prep

Here's a great little trick--try shampooing your beard in the shower, working it in well & then rinsing off. Any shampoo containing Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (also called Laureth--but I thought I'd use the actual IUPAC name:) ). That really seems to remove oils from the hair surface, allowing water to penetrate.

I'm liking the results of a few drops of this homemade preshave oil mix: 2:2:1 castor oil: EV olive oil: glycerin. You can add a bit of lime or orange EO to improve the smell. I rub this in well & apply some lather w/ just fingertips so as not to gunk up my brush. I let that sit for a minute or so while I strop, then wash the lather off & relather w/ my brush. Seems to work well, mainly for the skin. Best of all, it's cheap! Really starting to wonder if I even want to bother w the CF stuff...
Tried the small sample botle of CF (after my shampoo-the-beard trick). Honestly haven't really noticed that much of a difference. I'm sure the aloe is good for skin, but I could make a solution of that cheap--which is what I'm going to do when I finish the bottle. ;) Hate to say, but I think it's mostly hype... Good stuff (I've quit using any oil as I find if not completely removed, the razor can miss the very last bits of hair when shaving ATG), but again, not worth the price.
Wow, wow, oh wow.

I didn't have time to wander around the forum these days, which didn't prevent me from getting some shaves, though.

To cut the long story short, I took your route, Bart - which I haven't been doing since the start of my coti days. I mean on face lathering. I was using Taylors oOBS Cream, with some badger brush, though definitely not a top notch one. The results were really great! :thumbup: My guess is that lathering directly on face adds some more power to the lather, combining its own action with massaging of the skin and stubble with the brush. Now I could use a little more watery lather, which in some places gave me traces of this lovely glide I covet. Which makes my recent purchase of pre shave oil from Sir Gary a little obsolete. :D

Some of you might notice how unstable results I'm getting. So many variables!! And the new Dovo strop is on its very way as well... :)

kind regards,
You guys will think i'm crazy, but I get more little cuts on my face if I take a shower/hot towel before I shave. I've found that if I don't wash my face completely, just splash on some lukewarm water works the best. I make my lather with a pea sized amount of Corn Huskers Lotion (Its trumpers skin food without the smell and costs 4 dollars a bottle). This works best for me. I don't know why getting my face hot causes those little cuts:confused:

I usually shave at night before bed, I never have time in the morning.