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thinking of upgrading my honing equipment...

tat2Ralfy said:
By the way...

The lather method works for me, I am sorry Bart I meant to say I tried it and it did improve the HHT ;)

Best regards
Ralfson (Dr)

They weren't always so stupid in the old days, but this one took me a long time to figure out how to get repeatable results. :)
Thanks for the confirmation Ralfson.

Kind regards,
i actauly like lather honing, the cushion and controll is exallant. I will bear this in mind and try it my self. i also have had a very smooth edge of lather , may be it was just luck i have very smooth edges with water as that what i always use. the other thing i seem to had luck with was my la grosse jaune as one day i swithched to that for finishing . and it still does make a nice one point differnce on hht result, why i don't no but it just does. i also try the edge of my les lat, as it is very thin some how it feels like it creates more abrasion, some times that works.

Bart said:
They weren't always so stupid in the old days, but this one took me a long time to figure out how to get repeatable results. :)

The hard part for me was getting my head around letting the lather dry out, it just seemed wrong, but I thank you for the patience you have my friend, it does as said make a nice difference

Ralfson (Dr)
chti_lolo said:
The balsa hone I use is one I have made myself ( I don't use handamerican crox powder but grated livi crox dissolved in alcohol and then I paint my hone with 3 coats ) so maybe my hone is not as efficient as Ralfys'one. After 40 laps I can get a good shave and an increase of the HHT. But after when I tried to do 30 X strokes on coticule with water my HHT decrease and I get the same score as before crox.


Every time I see a post like this I wonder if one has given the edge just a few laps on his jeans. I say jeans only because they are so easy to find, as any decent strop will do the job. But, you can easily feel work done on the very edge while stropping on your thigh and tell if it is even on both sides. After a little practice, you can do six laps in just a second, literally.

If you have come off Crox with more than a few laps, you will likely have a sharp, but fragile, short lived edge. I think they are this way because of the tiniest microburr. If you go from there to the coticule (I am not familiar with the la veinette) and do not give it a few strops, you will not see the full effect of the sharpening you have done. I can easily tell the difference with the TPT before and after six laps on my jeans.

In addition, there are many stones, including coticules (or cotis as they are known to non-trollish people) that will give a completely false impression of dullness when sharpening knives, only to produce fantastically sharp edges after only the six or seven, and maybe two, laps on ones jeans.

Your Repetitive Friend, Denny
tat2Ralfy said:
By the way...

The lather method works for me, I am sorry Bart I meant to say I tried it and it did improve the HHT ;)

Best regards
Ralfson (Dr)
I only hijack the doctor's post for space saving reasons. Bart, dang you, I have been after you for months to post this and now you say I missed it. December has been a bad, bad month for me, and I was little absent, but thanks for finally putting this out, again even. Have we given up on the BBW dilucot procedure and I missed that, too?

As for the narrow side mentioned in the thread, language might be getting in the way. Is it the EDGE of the coticule with both the cream and BBW/slate appearing you want Laurent to try? I would think so.

Sincerely, this time, Denny
Denny said:
Have we given up on the BBW dilucot procedure and I missed that, too?

As for the narrow side mentioned in the thread, language might be getting in the way. Is it the EDGE of the coticule with both the cream and BBW/slate appearing you want Laurent to try? I would think so.

Sincerely, this time, Denny

The Dilublue is alive and well, it has just taken a backseat for now, as other research matters are being worked through,
And I agree it's the edge of the stone you want to use, I have done this myself with great results, don't worry about the blue layer, if anything I believe it helps, just be sure that the side edge you are using is nicely lapped and chamfered.

Ralfson (Dr)
Denny and Emmanuel
The reason why I have done so many laps on crox is to clearly increased the HHT of my coticule on water edge. Then I stropped the razor 60/60 and tested shave (good shave with this edge) (HHT after shaving was the same tan before), so I think there were no micro burrs. Then I went more into this progressive honing with 30 laps on coticule and the HHT decreased (less HHT than after crox) so I'm quite sure that is due to my bad technique "deux mains gauches" :blush: .

Bart, Gary & Ralfy

I have not a lot of time this evening but test the lather tricks
Bart said:
Soon the lather will dry out and form a slick film on top of the Coticule. It's more a kind of burnished sheen on top of the stone than anything else. At that point, add another 30 laps and check again with the HHT.
it seems to work : i can get HHT 3 on medium hair (my head hair) at 5mm from HP so already some progress:) .

I don't have time to hone on the narrow side (combo side 20mm*150mm) because I need to lap that side which was rough but surely will do it tomorrow.


Sounds great Laurent,:thumbup:

N'Oubliez pas de m'envoyer un e-mail avec votre adresse, voudriez vous accepter mon offre d'envoyer des Coticules à essayer.

Kind regards,
Bart said:
Sounds great Laurent,:thumbup:

N'Oubliez pas de m'envoyer un e-mail avec votre adresse, voudriez vous accepter mon offre d'envoyer des Coticules à essayer.

Kind regards,
Eh Bart
Ca ne va pas
Les anglophones ne comprenent pas.
Und die Hellenen gut.
Gute nucht.

I like your spirit Robin What i cant understud how you have greekfont.
tat2Ralfy said:
Wees niet zo zeker van mijn vrienden

goede nacht
I am not so sure Raf for Netherlads mais pour les Francais je suis sure.
Bonne nuit
tat2Ralfy said:
Wees niet zo zeker van mijn vrienden

goede nacht
als iedereen nederlands begint te spreken , waarom veranderen we dan de algemene taal van het forum niet naar het nederlands?

grapje natuurlik :lol:

Happy Paul... I actually understood a fair amount of the Dutch there :p

Beste groeten,
Bart said:
N'Oubliez pas de m'envoyer un e-mail avec votre adresse, voudriez vous accepter mon offre d'envoyer des Coticules à essayer.
Sorry Bart, I was quite tired yesterday and forget to answer you:blush: :blush: . I will send an MP to you afterwards.

I have tried to hone on the narrow side (after lapping and chamferring it). I have a razor with quite some warp (for a beginner) near the middle and honing on this narrow side offer better control to me (better than my awkward rolling X strokes) and the sound is more crispy, maybe because there are more pressure from the razor. But it didn't improve the HHT except in the warped area (it was my very first try. Does the blue BBW part of this side some counterproductive effect or is it to slow to influence the result?

I have tried again with the lather adding 30 X strokes after the lather dried and got the same result (not fantastic results but better than before). One thing I haven't noticed yesterday is that it sound like you were honing on a dry hone (maybe the coat of lather was too thin).

(e_mail sent)

Laurent Should be clarify wether the crisp sound comes from the edge or the spine.The spine once is well polished or is taped does not prodoces sound.The edge on the water produses a sweet sound like an arrow that crosses the air. During honing when the sound change its something wrong and implies that the edge return to the previus score dont to say tends to become dull.
I'm not a native english, so I can't express very accurately how this sound is like.
But I think it's more like the sound of the leading edge "floating" on a kind of dry and very fine (with a very fine grit) surface.
The HHT increase not a violent increase but a little progress:)

