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Any fans of cold water shaving?

I only cold water shave in the summer, but occasionally pull it out for the fun of it. I have been taking the Norwegian fisherman's shower for years. The wife loves it because she can use all of the hot water and I like how it makes me feel. Believe it or not you get used to it and spend less time genital fishing the more you use it.
Now I don't even let the water get hot I let it get a little warmer than room temperature, then reduce as time goes on.
wow:confused: I've heard of this "cold shower" thing..... but I can't help but be curious as to exactly what temperature the water comes out of the taps at in our prospective locations.
Maybe...[sub]maybe[/sub]... i can stand a "cold" shower at the very hight of summer... after a long work-day... on the hottest day of the year.... some time in the middle of July or August, but when I look out my front door at this moment, and feel the bone chillingly frigid sub-arctic temperature of the semi-frozen water that's coming out of my tap... I can't help but think you guys are all FREAKING NUTS!!!!!
our water is so cold... it hurts.
So, I'll stick to my luxuriant hot water shaves... and to my philosophy of: it's amazing how many of life's necessities you can live without, as long as you've got just a few of the luxuries... and a hot water shave is one of those luxuries i will not do without!
I don't do strict cold showers nor strictly cold shaving, although in the heat of the summer here they're darn close. I do what's known as contrast showers. Starts off typical nice and hot while showering but at the end I alternate between as cold as I can handle and as hot. I also do those when I shower after training. They're umm, shall we say awakening. :w00t:
Paul said:
I don't know about the real benefits, but finishing a hot shower with a burst of icy cold sure does something lol

Yeah, when I was a small boy my mum used to make me do it for tempering and all that, I hated it back then :) I occasionally do it these days, feels quite invigorating.