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August 2nd - August 8th

Razor: Edwin Jagger DE89
Blade: Wilkinson Sword
Pre-Shave: Proraso Creme Pre Barba
Soap: Proraso Green
Brush: Proraso boar
Aftershave: Phoenix Red Nite (Hungary)
Aftershave: La Bohéme After shave balm (Hungary)
EDT: Old Spice Original
Semogue 1305 Boar Bristle Shaving Brush,
Mama Bear Siberian Fir Needle,
Paradigm Daimondback,
Astra Superior Platinium 8e x,
Pino Silvestre Aftershave Vapo Naturel,
Pino Silvestre Moisturizing & Lenitiv After Shave Balm.

SOTD 20200806.

Myrsol "Antesol" (pre-).
Stork caprolon / Tuxedo.
Luna Cosmetics "Lavandalia" shaving soap.
Homelikeshaving "START" 0.90 OC / Stork "Templar" handle.
Lord Cool (4).
Myrsol "Antesol" (after-).
Tihanyi "Levendula" EdP.

Pre-Shave: Proraso wit

Shaving Soap/cream: The Sudsy Soapery Pine & Cedar
Shaving Brush: Shavemac 24 mm. Fan Silvertip Badger 2 bander

DE-Razor: Paradigm 17-4
DE-Blade: Gillette Rubie 4x

Aftershave: Osage Rub
Aftershave balm: Lucky Tiger Soothing Menthol
Razor: Edwin Jagger DE89
Blade: Wilkinson Sword
Pre-Shave: Proraso Creme Pre Barba
Soap: Barbon Shaving Cream (Hungary)
Brush: AP Shave CO 30mm Silksmoke winterhandle
Aftershave: Phoenix Red Nite (Hungary)
Aftershave: La Bohéme After shave balm (Hungary)
EDT: Old Spice Original
Grizzly Bay - 26mm Nexus Hybrid
PAA CK-6 - Oubliette
Timeless Aluminium
Gillette Platinum (1)
Mont Blanc Legend

First shave with the Timeless. Strange experience, such a light weight razor. It did the job well!

Perroux Cognet. (Le Talisman)
Silvertip brush.
Stirling Wintergreen.
Dolce& cabbana Grey.
Result very fine shave
Lovely shave in the backyard... too hot in the bathroom. The Wintergreen and the D&C grey match perfectly. Ice-cold shave followed by the refreshing top note of lemon with a sultry undertone of wood.

And now I'm going to sit under the parasol for a while at the edge of our pool. (inflatable pool ;)). A cup of coffee with a moor-head to celebrate. 2nd x Happy grandfather in the making .

Pre-Shave: Prep
Shaving Soap/cream: Stirling Glacial Satsuma

Shaving Brush: Shavemac 28 mm. Fan Silvertip Badger 2 bander

DE-Razor: Paradigm 17-4
DE-Blade: Perma Sharp 1x

Aftershave: Floid Vigoroso
Aftershave balm: Stirling Glacial unscented