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Dec. 29th 2019 - Jan. 4th 2020


Well-Known Member
Razor: FaTip Grande OC
Blade: Voskhod
Pre-Shave: None
Shaving Bowl: Edwin Jagger
Soap: Sweyn Forkbeard Vanilla & Tobacco leaf
Brush: AP Shave Co Faux Hors Rubin Handle
Aftershave:Kruidvat Alum
Aftershave: Cien Aftershave
Aftershave: Cien After Shave Balsem
EDT: No. 1
Vulfix 404 Grosvenor mixed Badger and Boar Bristle,
Le Père Lucièn - le Savon du Barbier,
Gillette Fat Boy adjustable,
Rockwell Razors Swedish Stainless Steel 3rd x,
Rebul Lavanda,
Weleda Aftershave Balsam,
Loris E-181 Noir Man.


Brush and soap:
Vulfix 404 Grosvenor mixed Badger and Boar Bristle and Le Père Lucièn - le Savon du Barbier:
The basic brush, the Vulfix 404 Grosvenor mixed Badger and Boar Bristle, with super soap, the Le Père Lucièn - le Savon du Barbier, makes a superior foam. What a delicious stuff, tough, fine bubble and greasy foam a benefit on the skin and under the knife.
Once I thought it was quite an investment such a soap, but when I look at the return it is absolutely worth the pennies. The LPL is now used 49 times and of course you can see the contents of the can diminish a bit, but of the 200 gr soap, at least 180 gr is still present. I bought the soap on 24-11-2013, so that's 20 gr in 6 years, so at this rate I still have enough for 54 years and I'm 126... Well and then, knowing that there are still a couple of pots like that, it's time to finish!
Blade and razor:
The Rockwell Razors Swedish Stainless Steel for the 3rd time used.
The Rockwell Razors Swedish Stainless Steel blade glidered deliciously through the creamy LPL foam and felt just a little bit better than average. In the Gillette Fat Boy adjustable, on 4 for the skull and on 7 for the face, this Rockwell Razors Swedish Stainless Steel is good to have for a 3rd turn. The blade remains moderately, but if the other parts are right, the synergy gives just that little bit extra to compensate.
Result: BBS.
Finally: Splashing with the Rebul Lavanda refreshes deliciously, the Weleda Aftershave Balsam is nicely caring and the Loris E-181 Noir Man adds some sultry mysticism. It was an pleasure again.
Gentlemen, today was
  • American Crew Ultra Gliding Oil
  • Pannacrema Ebano
  • Faena Manahurian 25mm
  • SWK Basic Scuttle
  • Brookes & Crookes 11/16 quarter hollow, honed and stropped on
  • Leder Tradition XXXL Double Strop Latigo / Nubuk
  • Tüff No 1
  • Korres Emerald Oud EdP

Pre-Shave: Balea Men
Shaving Soap: ST. James Sandalwwood & Bergamot

After Shave: Floid Suave
After Shave Balm : Floid

Shaving Brush: Kent BK8

DE-Razor: Wolfman TI22 / Stork Titanium Aristrcat
DE- Blade: Gillette 7 O’Clock Perma Sharp

The first shave after 5 days of severe flu and then the skin is not at its best, a bloody nightmare. :motzer1

Luckily Mrs. Koning is home again from the hospital and now we can continue to recover together. :gutebesserung_schild

It wasn't a merry Christmas for us so you will realize. :weihnachtsmann_grins
Omega 20102,
BdF Raffinato,
Souplex OC,
Rockwell Razors Swedish Stainless Steel 4th x,
Rebul Dark Spice,
Mennen Baume Energisant,
Loris E-012 Attitude.


Brush and soap:
Omega 20102 and BdF Raffinato:
A classic good turn again this morning with the Omega 20102 brush and the BdF Raffinato. I whipped up the soap in my Polish scuttle, because the Raffinato comes out best warm. Then you have such a nice thick fat foam, old-fashioned quality.
Blade and razor:
Used the Rockwell Razors Swedish Stainless Steel for the 4th time.
The Rockwell Razors Swedish Stainless Steel is still doing nicely, but 4x is already starting to feel a bit sufficient. Don't keep finding it a hit. Tomorrow 1 more time, but then it will be piggy bank. The Souplex OC is very basic and leaves it very much on the blade and there the Rockwell Razors Swedish Stainless Steel comes with the buttocks exposed. This is not in favor of the blade.
Result: BBS.
Finally: Nice spicy finish with the Rebul Dark Spice, Mennen Baume Energisant and Loris E-012 Attitude. Absolutely good again.
Declaration Grooming Washington B3 Nebula
DR Harris - Marlborough
Merkur - Progress gold, white bakelite baseplate
Voskhod (1)

Final shave of 2019, and it was a good one. This modell Progress is one seriously perfect piece of shavingequipment.
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Voskhod
Pre-Shave: None
Shaving Bowl: LittleWrenPottery Shavingbowl
Soap: Sweyn Forkbeard Vanilla & Tobacco leaf
Brush: AP Shave Co Faux Hors Rubin Handle
Aftershave:Kruidvat Alum
Aftershave: Cien Aftershave
Aftershave: Cien After Shave Balsem
EDT: No. 1

AP Shave Co Synbad 30mm
Saponificio Varesino - Cubebe
Paradigm Diamondback
Timor (1)
Humprey’s Citrus
Myrsol 1972 Don Carlos + Emulsion

For the final shave of 2019 I decided to get back to my favorite purchases of this year. So this Brush, soap, razor, blade and After shaves are all purchased in 2019. I was rewarded today with the shave I was hoping for: very close! Have a good last day of the year!
last day of the year. the bbq is simmering already from 5 am. from that time on I sit quietly enjoying a drink, cosiness and warmth from a heater. Pulled pork is on the menu for tonight (if ready in time). Now that the girlfriend and the little one are starting to wake up, I can go to the bathroom without doing anything quietly. The last of the year
  • Wacker jungmeister 15/16.
  • Big silvertip brush.
  • Mama bear campfire.
  • No aftershave since I am in the smoke until tonight ..
Gentlemen I wish you a prosperous and above all a healthier life in 2020
Balea rasieröl
Arko shaving stick
Yaqi synthetic brush
Ikon 102
Rapira pl (2x)
Thayer's witch hazel
Vdh alum
Reuzel as, vdh balsem

I shaved under the shower and it was actual ok with the arko. The scent seemed less strong and not out of place.

Best wishes to all you fellow whet shavers for next year.