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Different stones= different results.

whoo hoooo!!!
Line 'em up, Baby, and knock 'em down!!!

Now I got it!
:w00t: :w00t: :w00t:
ha ha ha thanks Ralfy!

Don't you love that feeling... when you finally get it, you really get it?

4 razors i did yesterday! everyone of 'em freakin' scary sharp!

Now I've run out of razors.....:huh:

But before my exuberance runs away with me.... I want to mention my gratitude to, in particular, you, Gary and Bart, as well as all the others that found the PATIENCE and time to help me out, and steer me in the right direction, and for never once suggesting that I "send it out to be honed". (Well... OK... someone mentioned it once, but I'll over look that:p ) Cedrick gets special mention for selling me a gorgeous straight, with a wonderful edge on it, that first showed me what I was working towards.

Bart, man, this site is incredible! What you've done here, and the obvious effort and care you've put into it, is first class! It's very obvious when someone puts their heart and soul into something, and you should be very proud of what you've created. Thank you, Sir.


(sorry... didn't mean to get all sappy on you all:D )
Chris you are totally welcome, and you have now truly felt the spirit of :thumbup:
Cant remember who advised sending it out, but surely it was just to give you a benchmark? the ethos here is teach someone to fish, not to just hand him one. :love:

Pip Pip Old Chap
Ralfson (Dr)
it is great when you get there. the times i went to bed at night and it played on my mind because i just could not get it right. yeh it sounds crazy but its true. It was bart that i kept pestering back on srp . i i would never of acheived the edges with out him, and all the advice from my self is only what i learn't from bart. If it was'nt for barts comitmant i would would of gave up on coticule back when i got my first one. My first coticule was about from invisable edge and i no now that was a la groossse jaune, well i'm 95 percent sure it was. i sold that one to tim he has a great hone first impressions on coticule was not very good and wonderd what all the fuss was about. Why because it dulled my razors. why because i did'nt understand the coticule and its efects with slurry , now i do i love them. also comparing notes with ralfy helped me along as i would ask him questions and compare his findings too. when i meet bart i'm hoping he will show me some tricks live and i will most likely learn somthing just by seeing him hone hands on. ie how much pressure he actauly uses and the kind of hht he gets of the hone.

as for pressure it was one day when a rzor just was'nt quite there. And i thought bogger it and i realy went for it using decent pressure all the throught and i just finished on normal light x's. It was then that i got a hht of the hone that i just did not think was possible. the shave of that kropp was magic. so yes i use pressure just enough to keep the razor on the hone and get the edge cuting nicley.

cheers criss and it sounds like you getting good results with the new hone . now you can pop hairs on medium wait untill you pop them on the real fine ones.
Gary that's exactly how it was getting to me... laying in bed thinkin' about it....

Boy of boy. That was some wicked sharp edge to shave with. Not quite as smooth as i was hoping.... but absolutely no question about adequate keenness. One tiny little cut when i changed my facial expression under the edge, and just a hint of irritation exactly like the edge Bart had me do Unicot. I think I might have been a little too enthusiastic with the water finish, and I hope a bit less finishing on water will bring that back.

Now it's a matter of dialing it in a bit, but at least I'm on the right track now. (finally):)
All sounds good Chris however I think you will find that less work on water wont give you extra smoothness, I would try another set or two of regular strokes on water, and a good canvas strop before the leather. Keenness and smoothness go hand in hand on coticules. Hope this helps best wishes Ralfson (Dr)
tat2Ralfy said:
All sounds good Chris however I think you will find that less work on water wont give you extra smoothness, I would try another set or two of regular strokes on water, and a good canvas strop before the leather. Keenness and smoothness go hand in hand on coticules. Hope this helps best wishes Ralfson (Dr)
I'm going to second that. I was meaning to ask you about your stropping setup and procedure, but the good doctor beat me to it.


Ok. Will do.
I ended up with quite a bit of irritation.... it was a very unsmooth edge. I will be the first to admit, I was a little heavy handed with even the water strokes, and maybe a little cheap with nice light x-strokes. A little more finesse would surely help. :D
Ce la vie!

Ya know, though, now that I'm thinking of it, I wonder if it's this razor that I disagree with.... It always seems to be a little harsh, regardless of what I've honed it on.... It's got good geometry, and seems to hone well, but just doesn't set right to my hand for the shave... and IIRC hasn't ever given me a really nice shave... Make it wicked sharp, and I guess I'm not really surprised I had a crappy shave. Not blaming the tools, just wondering if I've met an example of not all razors being equal. Just some idle musings.

I have similar problems with certain razors.
A 5/8 ERN that I struggle getting a smooth edge on. A stainless DOVO that no matter how hard I try I can't ever get to pass the HHT.
On the other hand my Le Grelot hones up beautifully and I can't seem to do anything wrong with the 1/4 grind Mappin & Webb that gives me the smoooooothest shave everytime.
Then again...that could just be my honing and I've just not mastered those particular razors.
Hi ric if you strugle with those two razors i'm in uk send them to me mate and i will see what i can do with them if you want. just let me no. btw where are you from in uk? i'm from nottingham
cheers gary
Ric, take Gary up on that offer. He put the single most smoothest and sharpest edge I've ever experienced on one of mine. Gary is really, really good at this! and he'd a true Gentleman too!
cheers criss. i'm hoping your vintage coti arives for wensday as i'm of to belgium thursday morning. when did you post it?
Gary, if it makes it, I'll be surprised.... I didn't post it until Sunday the 12th, so there is a slight chance it will make it. I didn't realize how quickly the Coti Weekend was coming up. Unfortunaltley, I couldn't afford to post it any faster than AirMail.
( I also sent a small token of my appreciation for you later that week, but I neglected to include a note.... if something strange shows up in your mailbox.... blame me!.... but, "enjoy!" ; you are in for a truly Canadian treat!)
garyhaywood said:
Hi ric if you strugle with those two razors i'm in uk send them to me mate and i will see what i can do with them if you want. just let me no. btw where are you from in uk? i'm from nottingham
cheers gary

After reading the 'Dilucot success... sort of' thread and in particular Bart's comments about "not letting it go" I gave both of those razors another seeing to on water only.
The ERN is cutting hairs effortlessly now, but that DOVO just won't respond. :(

The DOVO is the stainless Renaissance and it was bought new. This is the first time I've tried honing it. It came to me sharp, but it was never smooth.
If you're serious about that generous offer, I'll take you up on that mate. :thumbup:
I live in Manchester, Gary and if you email me your address I'll send it off to you this week.
I'd love to see that razor shave at it's best.
ah not far then. yes my email address is
funny enought i just honed an old ern for a customer and a wedge, he came in today and actauly shaved him with both and the ern shaved realy nice. nice razor those dovo 's i like the scales on that type. i'm away at belgium from thursday till sunday if you can post it tomorrow first class that should get here for wenesday,

my address is the barber shop 125 sneinton dale , sneinton,nottingham ng2 4lw uk,

cheers gary just send a prepaid envelope with your address on it so i can return it back to you, i'll do my very best .

ric do mind saying where you got it from new, the only place in the uk i can think of is invisable edge.
That's exactly where I got it from.
It was my first "new" razor, but I don't think I did it much justice.
In fact, I pretty much messed up my first strop with that one! :blush:
It shaved well enough when I got it. I just can't seem to get the best out of it on the hone. Maybe cos it's stainless. Dunno.
I'll try and get it off to you tomorrow. If it misses you for the worries Gary. I'm in no rush, fit it in when you can mate.
I've got to say your offer is very kind of you and typical of these forums.
The vibe here is wonderful. Many thanks.