Well lads, I got that razor and stone back from Gary the other day.... And I must say I'm very surprised with the outcome.
Let me just say up front, don't take the following as any kind of criticism of Gary's honing job. On the contrary.... he's helped me out tremendously and has helped to put my mind at ease.
Gary honed up my Edelweiss, one of my favorite razors, for me, using the vintage stone as I asked him to do.. (Thanks mate!) Now, as you may know, Gary's done up a razor for me once before, and that thing shaved like a hot damn! I was absolutely blown away by the seriously smooth and sharp edge he put on that blade. This one though... this one was different. Waaaayyyyyy different.
Before I shaved, I took my King Cuter, which has a beautiful edge on it now, and did a set of half strokes and some x strokes with just water, using my vintage, and stropped it on clean linen and leather, ready for a shave, lined up next to the Edelweiss Gary did...
The shave was a little weird.... it seemed to invite lots of pressure, and felt almost dull against my face. Didn't leave a tremendously close shave. half 'n half, one side with each razor. I couldn't tell the difference from one to the other, and it felt just as I remembered from the edges I was getting from the stone before I sent it off - just lacking in "shavicity" (If I can borrow a phrase coined by ProfLawson
But, very surprisingly, absolutely no irritation at all., in spite of all the pressure I used. The process seemed a little uncomfortable at the time, but the end result was strangely irritation free.
Now... my first, somewhat hasty, conclusion was: "Wow! that sucked." But then I got to thinking about it.... and I've yet to experiment with it, but I'm wondering how it would fair against a serious growth, straight up against the grain, 1 pass shaves (Like Willi of the Mad Swiss Method of Shaving). Or for daily shaving against light stubble where one is doing just a "maintenance" type daily shave where absolute closeness isn't required. If you're prone to ingrown's like me, it might just be the thing.
It's kind of open up a whole realm of speculation for me in regards to which
particular edge i feel like shaving with today.B)
Or is that too shave-geek?