Prep Skin Protective Crème,
Semogue SOC Bristle Cherrywood,
Stirling Margaritas in the Arctic,
RazoRock Game Changer 0.84-P,
PolSilver Super Iridium (n) 1st x,
Alcolado Glacial,
Toco-Tholin Lavender ASB,
Loris E-048 Cool Water.
Brush and soap:
Semogue SOC Bristle Cherrywood and Stirling Margaritas in the Arctic:
Nice cold start this morning, because I had to keep my head down to compare razor blades. With the Semogue SOC Bristle Cherrywood cool foam beaten from the Stirling Margaritas in the Arctic. Put the head in the Prep and over that the Mita is really cooling!
Blade and razor:
Used the PolSilver Super Iridium for the 1st time. Another dispute has arisen about real and fake Polsilvers and since I seem to have them both and also the Wizamet it's easy to compare. This morning I did a left-right comparison with the Polsilver Super Iridium with and without the Super Iridium imprint. The impression exists, that without the SI imprint they are fake. That would be possible, but well I can shave with it and this morning I don't notice much difference between left and right and continue with the fake one and the real one. See where the ship stranded. Having said this well, I have to say that apart from the regular blade changes the shave went fine. The RazoRock Game Changer 0.84-P with Polsilver Super Iridium is a fine combination. I don't notice much difference between the two Polsilvers and what I notice can be subjective and suggestive. Time will tell. Result BBS.
Finally: Nicely shaved by cooling with the Alcolado Glacial, Toco-Tholin Lavender ASB and Loris E-048 Cool Water. Man, am I cool again