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Honing On Japanese Natural Hones, an ongoing journal

You can basically perform the last step,of Unicot on any hone worth finishing on. You could do it with only water on top of the Japanese stone, or with a properly broken down slurry. (e.g. after a full honing of another razor). I would still make that slurry very thin with additional water.

If the Unicot was already finished, I see no reason why you couldn't refinish on another stone. Just reapply the tape and do a "touchup" on the Japanese stone.

Best regards,
Bart said:
You can basically perform the last step,of Unicot on any hone worth finishing on. You could do it with only water on top of the Japanese stone, or with a properly broken down slurry. (e.g. after a full honing of another razor). I would still make that slurry very thin with additional water.

If the Unicot was already finished, I see no reason why you couldn't refinish on another stone. Just reapply the tape and do a "touchup" on the Japanese stone.

Best regards,

It pass almost month of shaving with razors honed on Coticule and finished on Ozuku Kiita. Yesterday morning was a time for first touch ups on Joseph Elliot Wedge, TI "La Rose" and Revisor "Seeman" (I did not count but I can say freely that razors made 7-10 shaves, some more some less).
I did about 40 laps on Ozuku (dimensions 155x50) just with water and shaved with Revisor last night. Razor again glides smoothly over the face so I am pretty sure that Ozuku with water only is enough for periodicaly touch up (no need for slurry use as long as you did touch up on time, as soon as you feel that razor start to pull little bit).
garyhaywood said:
thats nice to no.

Thx Gary...and how is your progression with JNat...did you develop something new from last time we speak about these hones?
king, i just said to joe, i need to get back on the j nat. i've hitting the coticules latley.

after coticule i did try just honing on paste like slurry. to finish. this did not work for me. I've tryed water only. this did not make any differance. i have used light slurry with half strokes then finished by diluting and then 50 laps on water. that method defanatley seems the way to go.

the other thing i have done. Is totaly dilucot with j nat , just like i would on coticule. the results are or have been awsome. i used tommonagura made a good slurry, and i say one thing these stones acatuly cut realy well, i would say the speed as probably a moderate coti on slurry, maybe a little fast side to. As much as i hate to say it, and i'm being totaly onest and in the short time i have had the j nat. the j nat must be very fine stones, because the edge has for me inceased alevel in smoothness. the shaves i have had of j nat have been aslo ropy, due to me. as i said the smoothness is ultra soft and like a feather going over your skin. i had three top eschers in the past, i tryed every thing, and i not had much success with them, as i did with ozuku, the ozuku just sems much easier. i have noticed the hht is the same as i get from a good coticule honing, but with a diffrant pop.

i shaved of my ti silver wing not so long ago, of my leslat yellow coticule. the shave was real nice. next shave i used ozuku slurry to water, for finishing. the hht did'nt increase, this razor is good any way. the next shave with ozuko, was still as nice as before and not a big differance, but like i described, more soft fluffy feel,Its realy hard to explain, but i do like the edges it produces. despite the differance i still not used it much. i'm always using my coticules to get the best out of them, i like the challange, i've even been playing with unicot edges. ah maybe i will do unicot edge on j nat.

How have you found yours to work the best now you have had it a little longer.
garyhaywood said:
after coticule i did try just honing on paste like slurry. to finish. this did not work for me. I've tryed water only. this did not make any differance. i have used light slurry with half strokes then finished by diluting and then 50 laps on water. that method defanatley seems the way to go.


garyhaywood said:
the other thing i have done. Is totaly dilucot with j nat , just like i would on coticule. the results are or have been awsome. i used tommonagura made a good slurry, and i say one thing these stones acatuly cut realy well, i would say the speed as probably a moderate coti on slurry, maybe a little fast side to.

I did not try above but definitely will.
The main reason for not trying above approach is that slurry from JNats become finer and finer with every lap so I did not find any sense in doing full dilucot but now I have to try.

garyhaywood said:
How have you found yours to work the best now you have had it a little longer.

I did not try much experimentation but as I told before I like to hit linen between passes on water only. Also I hit linen for 10-15 laps after slurry stage and before water only. Just on water I used to do lot of laps (probably more than 100) because I want to remove "hazy" finish left from slurry stage (that "hazy" finish is not visible like after nagura honing but if you inspect bevel very closely it can be visible and definitely there is difference between slury stage honing and just on water honing).
yes i noticed hazy bevel with slurry than more shiny edge on water. its the same with coti slurry, the edge looks kind of sandblasted:thumbup:
garyhaywood said:
yes i noticed hazy bevel with slurry than more shiny edge on water. its the same with coti slurry, the edge looks kind of sandblasted:thumbup:

I did not notice that "hazy" finish on razors honed with Coticule but honestly did not inspect closely. I will do that next time when I finish razor on coticule slurry (probably it will be "hazy" but not so much as when finished on JNat slurry so that's reason I did not notice it before).
i have made the first test with ozuku level 4.5 bought to maxim,

i have compared this two razor honing....
very good coti edge / finished with light slurry 50 strokes then diluite and another 50 stroke then water on ozuku = very soft and keen egde more smooth than the coticule without irritation.

second...... all dilucot with the ozuku and tomonagura = HEAVEN, SUPERB ...very ultra smooth!! :scared:

what a strange result....:confused:

i think that should be the same..........
I got the same results , on my ozuko, it was much better used alone with dilucot , just like i would with coticule.

Does anyone know the difference between an ozuko kiita type 100 and the others marked between 1-5 hardness?

regards Alex
all i no is 4/5 j nats are nice for razors, in finishing?


After you mentioned it a while back, I had a look into it and it arrived a week ago, I've been messing around with it - I know its not recommended to flirt with more than one natural stone when learning to hone, but I couldn't resist honing on a japanese stone :rolleyes:

Type 100 seems to be one of the smaller sizes according to the link you posted Danjared, but, its still alot more surface to hone than my coti for roughly the same price. I'd dread to see a type 10 :scared:

I honed a C&S on it that the edge didn't hold with the coti, and it seems to be holding well after two shaves but I'm sure I haven't got the full potential from it yet. Its a very strange feedback I get from it. about halfway through my dilutions (4 or 5) The razor starts sucking itself to the stone like nothing I've felt before, I actually had trouble when using x strokes keeping them smooth as it sucked itself down that much to the hone!

After diluting down to a very thin slurry, I test shaved and it was a very good edge, but I'm sure I can get better on it. I've been reading the thread that King and yourself Gary had alot of useful info on honing and finishing with alternating between the linen and finishing off the hone without stropping and slurry breakdown.

Anyway, after all this blabbering I was curious why my ozuko was type 100 and without a hardness rating, but from what I can tell, its pretty hard (the water test lasted 15 minutes before the water was absorbed) and is definitely handy to have around.

regards Alex
have you got the tommonagura stone? me and bill are trying to work out our new ozuku asagi from max lv 5 plus aparrantly. my first atempt was'nt brill.

this is what we have found so far, and by the way i get the same not that nice suking, with the use of half strokes, so i no what you mean. After coticule with a nice hht, I did 100 laps on water, and test shaved. On j nat. the edge was very similar in smootness, keenesss was bang on, but maybe edge was a little more on the crispy side, not bad but it was less buttery. Today i did 75 laps on a light slurry, the edge was still keen the hht was still as good the shave was defantley smoother super soft edge shaved efortlessly.

My other razor was a dovo best . i did a full dilunat, that same as i would on coticule, the shave wa supe silky real good shave. all though i got the sucking to hone with the use of half strokes, as you describe it still worked. when i finished i rinsed hone cleaned it dry and rewet, sucking stoped. try doing half stroke with no finger on spine, I think its that slight prssure that causes sucking, or even just do normal x strokes all the way throught, takes longer but maybe feel better. these j nat defantley work, just kep trying

I really like honing on this stone (I went for the Ozuko kiita type 100 at 75 euro, well worth the price). Its a bit slower than both my coti's and I think I'm going to explore the full dilunat more. I'm going to explore the slurry breakdown into finer particles to refine the edge more theory.

The edges seem crispier, but once I find how to get the smoothness out of it, it'll be a loverly honer. I haven't tried a light slurry after coti, I'll give it a bash, but I'm really interested in pushing the slurry breakdown to its limits to see how sharp and smooth an edge it can make.
I was wondering what did you guys use to lacquer your jnats? I don't know if I should just try a spray lacquer or liquid lacquer and a brush. Is there any recommended way of doing this?

regards Alex
Hi Alex,

I used marine grade polyurethane and I applied it with a brush. I set the stone face down on an object a wee bit smaller than the face, and brushed all four sides and the back face. Let dry twenty four hours and it was nice and hard.
I believe the marine grade finish is less prone to yellowing from UV.
It turned out nicely, and the coloration of the stone is enhanced.

Hope this helps..