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May 17th to May 23th

Razor: Timeless Bronze 0.38 (USA)
Blade: Gillette Platinum (UK)
Pre-Shave: Prep Crème (UK)
Shaving Bowl: None
Soap: KEPKINH Frosty Lemon (Greece)
Brush: Yaqi 24mm Aqua Highmountain Silvertip Badger Shavingbrush (China)
Aftershave: Kruidvat Alum (NL)
Aftershave: Brut Original
Aftershave: Hawkins & Brimble post shave (UK)
EDT: Brut Original
Olaf Rasmussen / Wizamet Super Iridium
Rubberset 400
Tabac Tuesday

AP Shave Co Cashmere 30mm
Declaration Grooming After the Rain
Merkur Progress (4-3-2)
Feather (1)

The first impressions of this soap are good! Nice protective lather which gives the razor good glide. Also a good post shave feel. Happy with this!
Abr. Knyn for the face shave and the Merkur Digress with a fresh Rapira blade for the head shave.
Enough foam thanks to the big Stirling Kong brush and the Stirling Coconut Lime shaving soap.
For AS Biocura Sunrise Orange.
Shavemac Shaving Society LE2018/Jungle Moss/24/50/fan/Silvertip
Eufros - Tobacco
Gillette - British Aristocrat OC Rhodium Replated
Wyzamet - Iridium Super (4)
Razor: Timeless Bronze 0.38 (USA)
Blade: Gillette Platinum (UK)
Pre-Shave: Prep Crème (UK)
Shaving Bowl: None
Soap: KEPKINH Frosty Lemon (Greece)
Brush: Yaqi 24mm Aqua Highmountain Silvertip Badger Shavingbrush (China)
Aftershave: Kruidvat Alum (NL)
Aftershave: Brut Original
Aftershave: Hawkins & Brimble post shave (UK)
EDT: Brut Original

There is nothing better then the fresh smell of Menthol and Lemon in the morning. Also the Timeless Bronze is a very nice DE to use, it's skin mild but efficiënt.
Toco-Tholin Jojoba olie,
J&T® Marble Wood APShaveCo SynBad,
Cyril R. Salter Indian Sandalwood,
Fasan Slant #42,
Astra Superior Platinium 7e x,
Proraso Con Olio di Sandalo AS,
Naturlife Krem Vazelin Argan Ve Aloevera Özlü,
Loris So Oud.


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M-keramiek scuttle
Yaqi timberwolf
La maison du Barbier crème a raser
Universal shavette full blade
Treet black beauty #1
Vdh alum
Dickinsons witch hazel
Clubman pinaud, isana ultrasensitive balsem

Nice shave with the full blade Universal shavette.


Pre-Shave: Blackbeards Revenge

Shaving Soap/cream: Le Père Lucien Fresh Rosemary
Shaving Brush: Shavemac 28 mm. Fan Synthetic

DE-Razor: Chargoal Torpedo Brass SB Level 2
DE-Blade: Gillette Rubie Platinum Plus

Aftershave: Proraso Green
Aftershave balm: Speick

Rosemary one of my favourite scents along with menthol, Tea Tree, Camphor, Lime, Lemon and dozens more. :kaputtlachen1

The LPL is a soap with a delicious rosemary scent which also remains nicely in the lather.
Razor: Timeless Bronze 0.38 (USA)
Blade: Gillette Platinum (UK)
Pre-Shave: Prep Crème (UK)
Shaving Bowl: None
Soap: KEPKINH Frosty Lemon (Greece)
Brush: Yaqi 24mm Aqua Highmountain Silvertip Badger Shavingbrush (China)
Aftershave: Kruidvat Alum (NL)
Aftershave: Brut Original
Aftershave: Hawkins & Brimble post shave (UK)
EDT: Brut Original