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Nov. 24th - Nov. 30th 2019

SOTD Saturday 30 November 2019

Prep: Cold water + Proraso Pre-shave
Brush: Leonidam Molten Sapphire
Razor : Koraat "Golden Beauty"
Soap: Storybook Soapworks/Australian Private Reserve Carnivale
Post: Saponificio Varesino Settantesimo Anniversario (70th Anniversary)
RazoRock 400,
Stirling Hipster,
Krect Spiral Curve,
Gillette Rubie Platinum Plus (3),
Stirling Hipster post shave.


What a comfy shave, not the most efficient, but very nice.
The Krect is my most elegant razor, beautiful designed!

Pre-Shave: Cattier Dry Oli
Shaving Soap: MDC Original
After Shave Balm : Castle Forbes Lavender
Eau de Toilette: Cella Eau de Lavendel

Shaving Brush: Shavemac 28 mm. Fan Silvertip Badger 2 bander

DE-Razor: ATT S1
DE- Blade: Personna Bleu Lab USA 2x

You will only own a reasonable amount of shaving soaps and then you will notice that after using the MDC soaps a few times you still can't see that the soap has already disappeared from the pot. :Eek

How long does such a pot last under normal use? rasierensmilie