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Now Then You Guys

Lovely to find this thread still vibrantly alive. It's always nice to fit a face to the monikers.

Floorpizza, you have a beautiful family, including the Cockatoo. Based on your username, and the story where it came from, I took you for a younger fellow. :rolleyes:

Dennis, you have beautiful pets.

Dear FloorPizza ,have nice and secure flights with a healthy family.You are one of my large aviaiting family. I am an a/c engineer retired from Olympic Airways.
Best regards
Hmm seems aviation and straight razor shaving may somehow be connected... I'll be starting my career as an Avionics Spec in June. Now I just need to get my dad to use a straight and my aviation/straight shaving family will be complete... :D
justin said:
.....Now I just need to get my dad to use a straight....

Mmmm Justin, just what do you use to shave ??? :confused:

Oh yeah, and I saw a plane once, it was in the Air and everything, do I qualify?
mysteryrazor said:
You must be right Justin. I have 40 years in Aviation maintenance. Most of that 25 years was mainly with the L1011

Me too Jay L1011,737 200.300,400. 747 jumbo.Airbus 300,320,340.ATR 42,72. I was starting from
YS11 do you remember it.
Now i am E.O.G. Means Emmanuel on ground.

Best regards
Then you are my hero. I have experience on the Boeings and MDs, which are the same thing now, hard as that is to believe. I like my throttles a little longer than MD ones. Are you a St. Louis resident, Jay?
San Diego for 15 years. Left in '94 to take care of my father and wouldn't go back for anything. It has changed way too much in the 15 years I have been away. Moonbeam is back? Hard to believe. D
After all this time, I suppose that I can put a photo and short bio here.

I have piloted myself through the air, but only light aircraft. Small 250 pound things of string, bailing wire,fabric,aluminium tubing, and snomobile engines. I have also spent a lot of time flying commercial. Drat!
I have, during portions of life, worked as a butcher, sous chef, Navy Sailor, electronics technician, built computers for Univac, custom woodworker, machinist, draughtsman, electromechanical design person, Prototype machinist, industrial design modelmaker; and since retirement some years back, custom espresso machine repair parts and accessory manufacturer, manufacturing jeweler, metalsmith/teaching assistant and repair person for the art department of a university ( photo,) operated the general shop for the art department at said university and have done a few other things that I enjoy. Straight razors appeal to me because of the craft necessary to make and restore them and also the skill set to be learned for shaving with them.
Some of those things are on this 4 minute Slide presentation:
I enjoy this forum and the folks that use it.I have learned of many things beyond only the Coticule!
I was at UWStout at Menomonie. Being an Aspergers' sufferer, I did not do politics well and was unable to continue after 3 years of "Sr Citizen" extension classes and paid work for the college of art and design there. Not having a degree You know 6 credits short ABD did not help at all with some tenured of the department. I was fortunate years back to have had one of the finest metalsmiths in the USA as an instructor; Michael Jerry.

Love the jewelry/coffeery on your link. Very nice marriage of organic, flowing designs with a precision, engineered element. I like what the contrast brings out in the pieces.

If it is any consolation I have a degree, two in fact, don't suffer from Asperger's and I still can't stand academic politics either. We are clever apes, right, and for some reason some of us would rather torque each other around than just get on with doing something positive and creative. Since we aren't allowed to kill them we must just tolerate them when we must, avoid them when we can and find a place to eddy out and keep on keeping on. I reckon your broad and eclectic experience qualify you well to be a straight razor shaver and honer. :thumbup:
just wanted to say thanx to "dennis kelly" and "toff" for the in-depths. :thumbup:
If I ever start posting regularly, instead of just lurking, I promise to do something similar. ;)

kind regards