Even though I'm not on here that often (I actually do stuff :scared: ), I'll share my love with you for one of the most awesome people I know: ME!:thumbup:
Kidding aside, the picture on the left is me, although I'm not that sharp in real life. The handlebar kinda thingy is gone now, though. I'm Dutch, under thirty and currently residing in Finland where one of these days I will hope to finally finish my master thesis in English Philology. I'm a bit of a slow starter, and everytime I sit down to do anything it feels as if I'm starting from scratch.
So yeah, a bit lazy as well. Being without a job at the moment, and quite comfortable with this (although I sadly will hae to look for a job so I can actually pay the rent

), I have plenty of time to play fix up razors and do a bit of amateur theatre in Helsinki. That is of course, besides vacuuming, washing dishes, doing laundry and cleaning cat poop. I guess you can call me an emancipated part-time verbal chauvinist, if that makes any sense.
That's about it, I guess, now I must be off to scratch my ass, shower and shave (first time in three days, so no, I'm not obsessed).