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Now Then You Guys

Massive guns, Hippie. Thanks for finally posting the pic and for all your other contributions, Jared. I use your rock all the time. Denny
Massive guns, Hippie. Thanks for finally posting the pic and for all your other contributions, Jared. I use your rock all the time. Denny

Haha, yeah, I'm no He-Man, and I swear that's my only tie-dye shirt (which I don't think I even have anymore).
You've got a lot more guts than most of the guys who won't post their pictures. Like we really care if anyone has gained a few or something. Good for you, Jared. I am proud to know you, Denny
Heck, if anyone is worried about their weight I am sure I am the heaviest guy here and I use my pic every day even if it doesn't show how heavy I am. I should correct that sometime, but I don't like getting my picture taken.

You know I think every one is afraid that pilots can stalk you no matter where you live.:lol:
deighaingeal said:
You know I think every one is afraid that pilots can stalk you no matter where you live.:lol:
For any members concerned and for purposes of identification, Dennis is the one on the left.

danjared said:
as I then had just carried all those bags of concrete down into the basement in preparation for some house work that I was leading at my co-op (and everyone else was conveniently busy or not around

Gads! 12 bags of ReadyMix down the stairs. That's almost half a ton! I would be in the ICU after that!
matt321 said:
danjared said:
as I then had just carried all those bags of concrete down into the basement in preparation for some house work that I was leading at my co-op (and everyone else was conveniently busy or not around

Gads! 12 bags of ReadyMix down the stairs. That's almost half a ton! I would be in the ICU after that!

I think I recall it being 13 or 14 bags. Fortunately, it wasn't a far trip for each bag. Just remember that I'm still young. Let's see if I can still do that in a few years. ;)
Lemme see. Ten years as a doper (college years, and no not ALL in college, David), baseball/softball player for the Navy, running seven miles a day for ten years till my knees gave out, 61 and I could still move Ready Mix down my stairs for half a day. You'll be able, Jared, if you just follow my proven path. I think it was the weed.
I think it was the weed.

Haha. Well, that's too bad, because I can't even stand the smell of the stuff. I guess I'll just have to eat my fruits and vegetables.
Ok, Jared, just so you know I listen to your young self here are some pics of the animals. Very boring to those that don't know what a joy (and pain) they can be.


Sooo, this is Thorn, a very appropriate name. He thinks he is in charge and I have to convince him otherwise every two months or so. He fetches, runs with dogs in the neighborhood, and climbs three story ladders to say hi to the neighbors working on their roof.


And,this is Ridge. Half Maine Coon. He is still a flower child at 9 years old who chases butterflies (literally) and brings me pine boughs if he can't catch a chip monk. Nicest cat in the world, typical of Maine Coons.


This is the other member of the family, Megan, now 13, my girlfriends best friend (including me). She was never walked till I got around her and now Cesar Milan would call me her pack leader.

Who says there aren't some simple pleasures in life.

Your pal, Jared. Denny
Hey Denny, wonderful wonderful stuff there amigo
Alicia asks if we have a picture of Ridge next to a normal sized cat? she simply can not believe the size of him!

Also her heart melted when she saw little Megan, she had a yorkie too before we met, and misses her (Gemma) every day :cry:

Ya big softy..... whats up with that door as well? is it rather large, or are you compact and firm like me at 5'9"

I think the door is all perspective. I am 5'11". I don't have any pics of Ridge alongside other cats, but he is more fluffy than huge. Megan is 14 in April and I am already worried about her departure from the planet. She is something else, and way too smart.
Fluffy, or not. I think Ridge is the biggest cat I've ever seen.
I know how that feels Denny. We had 3 cats, but sadly we're down to just the one now.
He's not small, David, but only half Maine Coon. You should see full blooded Maine Coons. They really are enormous and the best disposition of any cat. Everyone loves the Flower Child. (Ridge, not Jared, that is)
Denny's not the only air head around here. :p

This one is six years old. My boy has grown quite a bit since then, and I have shrunk, but in a good way. I was around 240 pounds in this pic, and I'm down to 180 now. I'm not even at the same airline anymore.


My wife, 8 months pregnant with our daughter. This was five years ago. The Umbrella Cockatoo in the picture is our other child. He's 14 this year, and should live to be around 70 or so. He's incredibly intelligent, potty trained, and goes with us everywhere. He'd be really upset to find out he was a bird.


My wonderful daughter. This picture was from last spring.

I tawt I taw a puttytat! I did, I did taw a puttytat !!!
That are two beautiful meows you got there, Denny! Makes me miss my two little tigers ... :cry:

Lovely pictures, FP - your baby is wearing Mommy's shoes! :lol: Hey, you carried your weight very well. Less is better for health and everything.