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Sept. 8th - Sept. 14th 2019


Well-Known Member
  • Abbate y la Mantia "Buttero"
  • Mühle STF L
  • Le Grelot Hospital 71 5/8
  • Klar Klassik Rasierwasser
  • Klar Klassik EdT
Razor: FaTip Grande OC
Blade: Voskhod (2)
Pre-Shave: Proraso Pre
Bowl: New York from Blokker
Soap: Nivea Originals Shaving Cream
Brush: AP Shave CO 30mm Synbad winter handle
Aftershave: Physalis Hamameliswater
Aftershave: Speick Men Aftershave Lotion
Aftershave: Speick Men Aftershave Balm Sensitiv
EDT: Speick

The Nivea shavingcream is a very protective and slick cream i don't use much but when i use i always remember me about the good quality. The FaTip razors are one of my favorites 99,9% of the shave are top notch even with a Voskhod blade.
  • Gamechanger 0.84 OC
  • Feather
  • J&T 22mm 2-band
  • Sudsy soapery - Blizzard
What a soap !
Freaking cold and a crazy scent, more intense but less sharp as the Stirling Wintergreen. While making a good lather a pine scent builds up and really gives you the feeling you’re in the middle of a winterstorm surrounded by pine trees.
The 0.84 OC is a bit to tame for my taste but still an excellent performing razor.

  • Joris/Plison OC
  • Polsilver Super Iridium (1)
  • Green DScosmetic 26mm Synthetic
  • Stirling - Arkadia
  • Stirling - Margaritas in the Arctic - Body Lotion
  • Stirling - Margaritas in the Arctic - Witch Hazel
  • Stirling - Margaritas in the Arctic - Aftershave Balm
WTG,XTG,ATG and BBS, a bit less comfortable than the Piccolo, but that would be because every razor needs spending time with to learn how it needs to be handled for an optimum result. 4 More rounds to go before an opinion can be formed. The Arkadia is one hell of a soap, what a great fragrance, he scent of this soap is really to my liking! It also performs like all Stirling Soaps like a Champ.
Finishing it all off with the MitA stuff, just because it is Sunday. I have to get me AS Balm, Witch Hazel & Body Lotion from this soap (and Sharp Dressed Man).

I wish you all a great Sunday! Now we are off to the Art Fair that is in Almere Haven today.
Hi Friends,

i just had my Sunday Shave. Except the brush, it was the same equipment as last week. Here is what i've used:

Razor: Weber
Blade: Polsilver Super Iridium (3)
Soap: Klar Klassik
Brush: Rubberset Replica
Aftershave: Klar Klassik

My skin felt better than last week, but it's not "good" in any means. Nevertheless the Shave was very good.

The Klar Klassik is truly fantastic. When you open the tin, this wonderful scent fills the bathroom and your nose. Such an elegant scent.

Started with a relatively dry brush for about 20 seconds and addet droplets of water from time to time till this shiny, yoghurt like lather was there.

What a glide and cushion. Fantastic!!!

The Weber Razor in combination with this blade...Very smooth and gentle but highly efficient.

The Aftershave has the same scent as the soap and has a very very good skincare.

I am very thankful that i found the Klar Klassik for me. If you don't know it and have the chance to try it:

DO IT!!! You won't regret it!!!

This is it for now. Have a great Time, enjoy your shaves and take care.
Prep creme
Shaving Soap / Cream: Summer Break Cannonball
After Shave : Qqua Velva

Shaving Brush: Yagi 30 mm. Tuxedo Syntheet
Safety Razor: Parker semi slant
Razor Blade: Gillette Rubie Platinum Plus.

Now that the disease is calm and the skin feels reasonably normal again, the test with the Parker has started again.

And behold, it's a nice slant that, in my opinion, does its job more thoroughly than the Merkur 37C with which it is often compared, but a final judgment still needs to be made a few more shaves.
Sunday morning:

Razorock Plissoft 26mm Monster
Super Speed/new Shark
Pascale SC
Svoboda ASB
Aqua Velva AS Splash

When I went down to my storage locker in the basement to get some blades I came across this Pascale cream from Bulgaria which I had bought over there and completely forgot about. It’s so cheap as I do remember and it has a very nice cologne scent, it’s a fantastic latherer, and it gives a mild cooling sensation. The Svoboda balm is from Russia and the scent is nothing to get excited about but the soothing, cooling, and moisturizing from it are superb. The Aqua Velva went on nice and chilly. The new Shark blade helped to give me a quick, but perfect BBS shave!

Have a nice, relaxing Sunday!

I have been shaving with the Henri et Victoria Duc de Santal triple milled shaving soap for 3 days straight and I can say , again , wonderful creation.Good lather , not as slick as the vegan version , but the same skin care properties.The scent is woody and fresh , with some deep notes, but fresh overall.The Semogue Foroafeitado 2019 Silvertip Premium would please a lot of wet shavers who love the 3 band badger quality hair , like the old shavemac D01 or old Simpson Super badger 3 band hair.

Good morning, Gents
  • Faena Olympian
  • Faena Manshurian 25mm
  • Wade & Butcher 7/8“ The Celebrated for Barbers Use
  • Tüff Nr. 1
  • Faena Sandalwood- Myrtle ASL as Conditioner
GReat razor..

Tanks :daumenhoch Indeed, One of the best wedges a man can get, as mostly all W&Bs (that for me do not shave muth different if honed propperly)
Yaqi Timberwolf
Pereira Shavery bowl
Catie’s Bubbles-Le Marché de Rasage- sample
Wicawa 60 6/8
Osma alum
DVH asb

First shave with the Wicawa. Very nice razor. Great soap. Scent reminds a bit of SV Stella Alpina. Great stuff.
Very enjoyable shave
Razor: Timeless Ti 0.95 OC
Blade: Hema Blade (1)
Pre-Shave: Proraso Pre
Soap: KEPKINH Anise & Cedrus
Brush: AP Shave CO 24mm Cashmere Jet Black handle
Aftershave: Physalis Hamameliswater
Aftershave: Hema Fresh Eau de Cologne
Aftershave: Speick Men Aftershave Balm Sensitiv
EDT: Speick
AP Shave Co Synbad 30 mm
Stirling Arkadia
Haircut & Shave Co N075
Personna Lab Blue (1)
Humprey’s Astringent
Stirling Piacenza ASB

I think Stirling changed the formulation of their Post Shave Balm. The texture is totally different: much thinner. The balm is in my opinion even more soothing and toning for the skin now. And also and important improvement: the skin feels less oily after using it. That makes one of my favorite post shave products even better. Happy with it!