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Woodash said:
Well, Robin, I feel like I know you a lot better and now understand your zeal against hoarding. I, too, find geeks in any field a real put-off. I never really analyzed what I considered a "geek" but now see it is the individual who is overly impressed with acquisition or is shamelessly seeking approval, a sure sign of emotional issues. I am in no way speaking of the guy who is excited by the learning process (me), the collector (not really me), or the guy giving others good natured grief (definitely me). There is an obvious difference among those types we all instinctively recognize, and thankfully we rarely see the geek here at Those who know me well know I don't visit the other sites, and again, I now realize it is for this very reason they don't feel like home to me.
Sincerely, Denny
All kidding aside (B) ), I do agree with the some of the distinctions you're making. When enthusiasm moves way over into 'corksniffing' or being a real snob about things, that's when it get's weird. I've seen it; hell, I've been it on occasion. But it's not so good, I think. Anyway...

And btw, I joke about the Bipolar thing because it's just my attempt at humor. I have it in my family, I do not take it for granted, and I certainly hope that my comment was perceived in a light-hearted manner.

Can we get back to the giving of the good-natured grief now? :lol:
4Q, Steve. I don't believe in that bipolar shit. And neither do I. Denny
ummmmmmm, Denny, that's not bipolar.
Yes, Steve, the manic side of bipolar disorder does work on the same principal as the high received from shopping and what we refer to as hoarding. True hoarding can work from many principals which is why it is such a difficult disorder to help.

...geek? who's biting the heads off of chickens?
wow, you spend everyday talking to these guys and never realize that they work for the circus.
What? Tripolar? :D


PS. It is a nice collection, Dennis. And I guess it might be a safer investment than money in the bank, right now.

Hilarious, Dennis. :lol: :lol: :lol: Regardless of tragically-comic aspect of the situation - I can see several true beauties out there! :thumbup:

I'm proud to actually have answered just one question positively in Robin's table, so I have pretty healthy attitude. As for now it's around 17 blades or something at my place, two awaiting more serious restoring actions, and that's pretty all! If I ever look for something, I seek some real beauties, and preferably more massive blades. Like this stylish Bismarck with decorated spine (bottom right-hand corner of the red box). But I won't afford it soon, or simply be willing to spend the money it's worth (the reason being this - unless I move out of this pitiful country, which I actually would like to to do some day). Hoarding, accidental or not, is luckily of no danger to me :)

ok... I'm not really that smart. How do I go back and find this auction? I forgot to watch it when I originally saw it.
Unfortunately, I can't see this collection due to the Paris commercial court decision. Whatever that is. :(
Any chance of someone upping some pics from the site?
No body needs that many "Dancing twins" (cough cough ;) )

Regards and I cannot thank you enough
Ralfson YEF
richmondesi said:
How did you find it?

I still had it in my observation list. I was curious for how much it would go. Now I know, and even where it went ... :D
Considering the quality of that bag our dear Denny made a very decent deal. Congrats buddy btw!

And RicTic, you may want to try another browser. Serious. I had the same trouble when I used Chrome. No problems anymore after I switched back to firefox. Don't ask me why this would work, but it did ...
Nice pick up Denny! As you said you would not have made the bid could you not have afforded winning it and there are some lovely razors there at a steal for what they go for individually.

As for the other part of the thread...hoarding/collecting

You have to take it easy on the new guys. We have a rush of enthusiasm without the knowledge to necessarily identify a peach from a pig :cry: I am hoping that I learn as much from my mistakes as from my successes.

I also think that if someone is not causing financial hardship to themselves or harming others...well they can be as batshit crazy as they like. You don't have to like or respect it but sniping and ranting against it doesn't seem to be a positive thing itself :confused: Their money, their razors...their perogative IMO :)

On the SRDB...It does seem to be a very light on resource. I was quite surprised as I can go to ebay and barely see one razor that is on the SRDB. Some people maybe feel pressure that their example is not to "collector" standard so they don't post them up?

Anyway enough rambling from the noobie before he earns the ban-hammer :D

Enjoy the razors Denny...or sell some to me for cheap at least :p :p :p
Newbie enthusiasm is one thing, but there are guys who have been at this a long time that still act that way. Plus, that behavior sets a poor (IMHO) example for others entering into the straight razor scene.

For what it's worth, free speech is appreciated, and encouraged here. I'm not sure that there's been a real member banned here since I've joined (could be wrong)
Nope, there has not been any reason to ban anyone. Only recurrent malice could lead to termination of membership on this forum.

I believe think people with compulsive disorders should be treated with compasion.
I certainly don't think that Dennis qualifies. Buying a collection of razors does not neccesarily indicate a compulsive disorder.
But those who do often are in denial and use Internet forums to wallow in their habits, and seek justification for they non stop purchases, by fabricating all kinds of phony reasons for acquiring more stuff. That does lead to misinformation, and it interfere with people who would like to enjoy their hobby in a modest manner.

That is why you bragging space isn't exactly free over here.
I understand that may come across as condescending, but trust me that there is more space on the internet for consumerism than for those who at least try to exercise some restraint. With the pendulum of the "civilized" world swung all the way to the gready side, modesty can appear pretty abnormal nowadays.

(Dennis none of this is directed to you, I'm just trying to elaborate a viewpoint, which is, inspite of your thread title, actually a bit off topic)

Kind regards,

Kind regards,
Let me repeat that: Collectors good, hoarders not good. And, as Bart said, it sets a bad example. Especially for beginners. Because experimenting with various razors actually makes it harder to learn to shave. That's all, really. Of course one's shopping behaviour is everyone's prerogative, but I maintain that beginners should be discouraged from buying more than two razors for weeks or, preferably months. Not least because it takes a certain amount of knowledge to identify a razor actually worth buying online.

And no, none of this applies to Dennis, of course. :)

Sure Dennis, keep on buying those 40-packs, pal! As long as you add "ACCIDENTAL" (remember all caps), nobody will ever suspect any AD's at your side, no worries my friend. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Impulsive/compulsive....what's a couple of little letters...? It's all in good fun. We're all your friends here, Denny - ready to help you unload those razors when you have them all honed up and tire of them. I especially like the .....mumble, mumble, mmbmml, mmmmb, mbmm, mmmm...B)
Matt said:
Sure Dennis, keep on buying those 40-packs, pal! As long as you add "ACCIDENTAL" (remember all caps), nobody will ever suspect any AD's at your side, no worries my friend. :lol: :lol: :lol:

On another note, I have been active here for a couple months and never heard of the Data Base. Is it hard to make it a heading for it on the site? I don't know anything about website modification, but it would be nice for new members to know the Data Base existed. TBH, I would have to do a search now to find it.

As far as my own hoarding disease is concerned, I have indeed bought many items during my re-immersion into an old hobby. It is a persistent theme with me to continue to acquire until I am satisfied that I have what I think is best for me. Then I quit. You should see my collections of handguns, many of which I built myself. The healthy thing is that they are almost all for sale. Same with razors. I will never sell Gaz' Livi, even though it is not the best shaver I have. Same with Ralfy's brush if I finally win something, ROBIN! The personal connections I have made here are much more important than the material. We own nothing.

I know none of the hoarding theme is really aimed at me, but honestly, I like to keep an eye on myself, much like I imagine Robin was talking about with himself.

I hope this is the last serious post I make for a while.

Your Redneck Pal, all of you, Denny
I believe the database reffered to was SRP's wiki? you would have to go there to find it, and its clearly marked so you should find your way around even without air traffic control :p

As for the collecting/hoarding thing, its ok Denny we understand

Your Inked up English Pal
Ralfson (Dr)