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tat2Ralfy said:
I believe the database reffered to was SRP's wiki? you would have to go there to find it, and its clearly marked so you should find your way around even without air traffic control :p
Actually, it is built on top of the Wiki using the Semantic MediaWiki extension. Slartibartfast could tell you more about it. Do upload your razors there, though. The world needs a central storage for razors.
BeBerlin said:
tat2Ralfy said:
I believe the database reffered to was SRP's wiki? you would have to go there to find it, and its clearly marked so you should find your way around even without air traffic control :p
Actually, it is built on top of the Wiki using the Semantic MediaWiki extension. Slartibartfast could tell you more about it. Do upload your razors there, though. The world needs a central storage for razors.
I amost never go to another razor site unless directed by a post here. I told you I couldn't find it!
tat2Ralfy said:
I believe the database reffered to was SRP's wiki? you would have to go there to find it, and its clearly marked so you should find your way around even without air traffic control :p

As for the collecting/hoarding thing, its ok Denny we understand

Your Inked up English Pal
Ralfson (Dr)
Have you got SpongeBob on there (your bod) someplace, Ralfy. Not trying to give you ideas, but......
I amost never go to another razor site unless directed by a post here. I told you I couldn't find it!
Just do a Google search on 'banned'...... :O

........Stepping slowly away from the computer. :rolleyes:
Woodash said:
I amost never go to another razor site unless directed by a post here. I told you I couldn't find it!
Just do a Google search on 'banned'...... :O

........Stepping slowly away from the computer. :rolleyes:
I did! Marty Feldman was at the top of the list. (SAII)
How is that collection working out? Found any gems yet? You should get around to posting some additional photo of it, ya lazy sod. How 'bout some reviews? Chop-chop!
I am down to shaving my crotch and armpits! So far, I am pleasantly surprised about the quality and condition of the majority of the blades. Even the edge on these things is pretty darn good. I used a Wellkut last night and it was superb, a 6/8 spike and very well balanced to my hand. I have a lot of evaluating to do and don't feel like making it a priority, but rather like a Japanese rock garden sort of thing. I did get some nice pieces that were dupes of others I had, but for the most part they are all new to me. If you need a list or pictures, the original ebay post is available--I sent it to Gaz and if you can't get it from ebay (probably can't) I'll send it to you or one of us that has it will post a link on the board.

Meant to tell you here, Merry Christmas, the test razor I sent you is a dupe and consider it yours. Don't tell anyone, OK.

Later, hoser. Denny
So what the hell? We get to look at a picture of some mangy fur-ball, but you're too damn lazy to post photos of your razors? Get your priorities straight!
:lol: :lol:

Denny, you know that is totally unneccasary. Entirely in character, being the true gentleman that I know you are, and an incredibly generous gift.
My first instinct was to decline, but I know that it's bad form (and uncouth to boot) to fail to accept a gift in the most gracious way possible. I just about fell over when I saw that post, and I have to admit I'm a little shaken. And then I thought of a way I could come to terms with it: pay-back's a bitch, and I've already got your address:lol:

Thank you, my friend. My wife's accused me of being a sentimental soul, so you can rest assured that this gift from you will remain in my "collection" (OK, lets not mince words: hoard) 'till the day my heirs sell it off on eBay.

**come on, Canada Post! hurry up!**

Holy crap! B)
And merry christmas!
Denny, let me know when you get a chance to take pictures of those stainless steel razors so I can ogle at them.
janivar123 said:
You sure he didnt send his wife?

oooohhhh... hadn't thought of that. Wonder how much postage would be to ship her fat ass south....

But I like Denny too much to inflict that on him.
And, what if he sent her back... she'd be pissed!

wdwrx said:
janivar123 said:
You sure he didnt send his wife?

oooohhhh... hadn't thought of that. Wonder how much postage would be to ship her fat ass south....

But I like Denny too much to inflict that on him.
And, what if he sent her back... she'd be pissed!

Not as much as you by the sound of it mate. ;)
Don't know about sending her back. When I lived in Hawaii, Canadian girls were our favorite prey.:love: