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  1. efsk

    Reserved - Payment pending Walbusch B5

    Dear good friends Up for your consideration one of the most coveted pieces of shaving gear, the Walbusch B5. Basically a slanted Progress, and one of three slants I know of with adjustable agression: all other adjustable slants adjust cutting angle only. Razor comes with no case, and two...
  2. efsk


    Matador was a Swedish razormaker, known for their DE's. After I found out they made their own version of the Apollo/Ben Hur Mikron, I was searching for one. Took a few years but end of November I found one, bought it, and waited. The damn thing entered Dutch customs December 3rd, and finally was...
  3. efsk

    Merkur Progress

    One of the more iconic razors available is the Merkur Progress. Since the early 1950s, the 500 series has been available basically unchanged, changes in finishing excepted. Some other variations, notably the 800-series, have long been discontinued. Based on an original patent by Walter Busch, of...