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August 18th - August 24th 2019

Stirling Synthetic 24 mm
Catie’s Bubbles ‘95 liquid labels
Razorock Gamechanger 0.84
Treet Dura Sharp (1)
Humprey’s Witch Hazel Cucumber & Melon
Stirling Sharp Dressed Man ASB

Catie’s Bubbles is a very good vegan soap base. For me it is even better than some non-vegan bases.

The Treet Dura Sharp is a very comfortable shaving blade although not the most effective. For me this blade is netter than the Treet Carbon Black Beauty. Very nice shave!
Shavemac Silvertip D01 2 band bulb 24 mm x 50 mm Jungle Moss,
Dusy Kabinett,
Gillette Black Beauty Long Handle adjustable,
Gillette Rubie® Platinum Plus 9e x,
PeReJa Rose edc,
Seinz. After Shave Balsam,
Rose of Bulgaria EdP.


Brush and soap:
Shavemac Silvertip D01 2 band bulb 24 mm x 50 mm Jungle Moss and Dusy Kabinett:
Roses is the common thread this morning. The Dusy Kabinett is a subtle fragrance, but nice and pure. Such a good foaming soap, which simply foams and nice grease. Professional quality. With the firm Shavemac I make that nice thick foam, that attracts those beautiful points. Thick lobed stuff that glides like the lightning.
Blade and razor:
The Gillette Rubie® Platinum Plus for the 9th x used.
The knife is still very useful, could be used again, after 9x still sufficient, but on his return. Ergo piggy bank. The skull at 5 and 6 and the face at 6 and 7 delivers a fine smooth result with the combination Black Beauty and Gillette Rubie®. The perfect foam layer also does its thing here and lets the blade super smooth run over the skin. Perfect.
Result: BBS.
Finally: Splashing with the Turkish roses edc from PeReJa gives a firm prick with nice smell. The Seinz brings things back to rest. Then a nice spray of Bulgarian roses. So the smell does linger for a while.
Okay Lea Classic, Well my shaving brush will feel completely at home in this after first being dipped in that terrible Almond Cherry scent. :nein1

Keep up the good work, my young friend.

Even better when you will you come here to hand over the brush to me?? Because making me jealous shouldn't take much longer. :mad: :kommnurher1
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I'm also beginning to doubt your mental faculties when you don't know the way to my house that you've been to so many times.

Did you eat the wrong sausage during your holiday, drink water from the tap or fall off the donkey where you went on that trip in the mountains? :eek:
  • Gillette Pocket edition (ca 1918)
  • Lord Classic (4)
  • NOM Black Fibre
  • Wickham 1912 - Schottisch heather
Quite an aggressive one this! Lots of caution needed, any pressure will be punished ;-)
The soap smells delicious! What a good one this is, where the other one disappointed (Irish Tweed) this one shines. The lather is creamy and rich, although it is a bit more sensitive to the amount of water. BBS, but not without some irritation, lets say i am not surprised, as the other 'old Type' also was a biting one :D
Shavemac Shaving Society LE2018/Jungle Moss/24/50/fan/Silvertip
Eufros - Dame de Noche
Onbekend - Reiskrabber Merkurkop (t)
Voskhod (4)
Shavemac Shaving Society LE2018/Jungle Moss/24/50/fan/Silvertip
Eufros - Dame de Noche
Onbekend - Reiskrabber Merkurkop (t)
Voskhod (4)
Last week I smelled all the samples of Eufros at Harkos' house and only the Dame de Noche could charm me.

But then again completely because I thought this was a more than fantastic smell.daumenh!
No No, I know Hans, it's only because here he is on foreign ground, there are a few Eufros fans around on this forum and from a strategic standpoint it wouldn't be wise to stand his ground as he did in the past so he reluctantly agrees that there is 1 (one) soap from Manuel that is not that bad after all. Only the smell, mind you he probably won't agree about the quality of the lather :rolleyes:;)
RazoRock 400,
Stirling Hipster,
Original RazoRock Game Changer 68P on Stork Consul handle,
Treet Black Beauty (1),
Kruidvat alum,
Stirling Hipster post shave balm.


Nice combination of blade and razor.

Have a nice day!


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But if it smelled great was the lather also great? I always thought you didn’t like the soaps of Jambon men or are yours knees starting to be week?

He’s starting to see the error of his ways.

No No, I know Hans, it's only because here he is on foreign ground, there are a few Eufros fans around on this forum and from a strategic standpoint it wouldn't be wise to stand his ground as he did in the past so he reluctantly agrees that there is 1 (one) soap from Manuel that is not that bad after all. Only the smell, mind you he probably won't agree about the quality of the lather :rolleyes:;)

I couldn't judge the lather because Harkos had already taken so much shaving soap out of the jar to get a bit of lather that there was almost nothing left in it.

But listening to his practical experience, it takes a lot of shaving soap to get a reasonable amount of lather and also only a few smells could charm Harkos.

So weak knees? No, because smelling all the samples I felt for the first time in years that my spine was made of stiff iron and that felt unnatural. :Eek :uhoh