8k Naniwa and 110 laps on Thurigian stone.
Minor advise if you want to read it. 110 laps on a Thuringian after a 8k Naniwa is much to much, unless you are not happy with the wide of your razor and want to have ist fast at 6/8 or less. Listen and feel the stone. Yes, the Thuringian „speaks“ to you and says exactly when it is done. At the beginning you will feel not much resistance of the stone an a higher Sound. While honing the Sound becomes duller and the resistance of the raisor on the stone rises. When this happen, make another two double strokes for nerve-calming and the razor is done. This might happen on your stone after arround 20 to 30 double strokes. Clean the Razor and go on the stop. You will not reach a better or keener razor wir more strokes. After that point the blades dengenerates (but, that’s the curious thing with Thuringians, after a lot of more strokes One gets again the result one had if had stopped as said before).
However, your Stone, your razor and I give this advise only once. Listen to your Thuringian.