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It's brass Sam. Handle chrome, head nickel. Really like the shave of this one, balance is quite good.
Thank you Richard. Just won two of these in a lot. They have mismatched shippers, but whatever. Since I am not a collector, it doesn’t matter to me that much.
How about this one guys, looks like a rare Matador.? Double ring copy.


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My Kermit Matador II. Being a good quality brass, this one also shed the green coating and shined up nicely in no time.






The shave was quite interesting. It liked riding the cap and was quite efficient. I tried letting the lather build up on one side to see if it would flow through to the oher side like the Knockout and Neo does, but no lather exited on the other side of the plate.
Matador DeLuxe, M109 and M110. Difference is one is chrome, one is glod, and therefore the prices are different as well. Wonder how the buyers looked when they got home, opend the box and saw they paid to much :lol
Great thread! Here's a razor I bought from Tradera. It's unbranded. I'm thinking that it may possibly be a Swing but only because I did happen to see a (not great) photo of a Swing that appeared to have a plate and cap similar to this one. This one weighs in at a hefty 72 grams and is all brass. I like the way both the cap and the plate are curved inwards. It's rare I believe to have both of these curved, usually it seems like it's just one of these pieces, usually the plate. Has anyone seen something like this before and have any idea what it may be? Thanks.

Swing? Razor, 72g, Sweden 1.JPG
Swing? Razor, 72g, Sweden 2.JPG
Swing? Razor, 72g, Sweden 3.JPG
Swing? Razor, 72g, Sweden 4.JPG
Swing? Razor, 72g, Sweden 5.JPG
Swing? Razor, 72g, Sweden 6.JPG
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Looks like I can now add a name to the mystery "Matador" shown above (what I thought might have been a "Swing"). It's called a "Clipper De Luxe". Likely made by the same company that made Matador's, as Richard points out. There's a few photos of this razor to be found, courtesy of poster "fresko", on another large shaving website in a thread entitled "My first vintage razors". The thread can be found here:

I'd simply post the photos here to make things easier but I'm not entirely sure how those things work between these various shaving sites...Are we all in this with the same community minded spirit...or maybe not?

In any event, fresko's razor appears to differ with mine only regarding the curving to be found on my cap which is missing on his. Thanks to fresko (wherever he may be, he doesn't appear to participate any longer on the other site) for bringing the Clipper De Luxe, a razor (or at least a razor name) that could possibly have been "lost", to our attention!
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I was just browsing the internet and found this picture. At least blades were sold under the brand name Clipper
