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Now Then You Guys

Please help me here, guys. I don't see the "attachments" options when I try to post a reply in this thread. Consequently, I can't post a picture. I see the image option in the tool tray but can't make it work. I already have a pic resized at smalljpg. and back in my docs but can't get it here. Suggestions? Denny
Try C&P'ing this little bit of BBcode and include the URL of the photo between brackets. I just upload mine to photobucket, but any online photo hosting service should work.


Edit: Ha! I finally got it to display:) but i had to remove the square brackets from both the front and back. I'm sure there is an easier way... but damned if i know what it is.
I think you are a little over my head, Chris. I thought when you posted a reply that the attachment option would appear. I don't know about photobucket but do know how to browse my own docs/pictures. You're right, there's got to be an easier way. My picture sucks anyway.
I think you are a little over my head, Chris. I thought when you posted a reply that the attachment option would appear. I don't know about photobucket but do know how to browse my own docs/pictures. You're right, there's got to be an easier way. My picture sucks anyway.
You can only upload pictures from your pc in selected forums. This isn't one of them. To post a picture here, it needs to be online somewhere else (photobucket, shutterfly, facebook, etc.), then you can use the bbcode
[img] [/img]
to post it in your reply here...

If size is an issue, use img=800 at the beginning of the code
Thanks, Paul. I will give it a try tomorrow. I guess it was just the avatar that I could upload. By the way, what is a BBcode?
Thanks, Paul. I will give it a try tomorrow. I guess it was just the avatar that I could upload. By the way, what is a BBcode?

Any time. BBCode is short for Bulletin Board Code. You can upload pics in the Marketplace and Coticule tavern as well. It's just the other forums here that don't offer that feature

My real name is Urmas and I live in Estonia. The Finns and Hungarinans are our related nations. I like razors, coticules, cycling, reading, apple computers... and of course I like my friends. :)
I want to obtain not simply the best but perfect storke and with help of this I hope to achieve a ultimate coticule edge.

Me and my little daughter:

My favorite pet, she is Briton and she makes faces too...

Here I made a little list of Estonian music for you:

... and yes, in our place there is dark and cold and there isn't nothing much to do but sing...

With friendly regards,
Day-am Urmas! Estonian chicks are hot!

Thanks for posting the vid's, and the photo's too.

This whole internet forum thing is still kinda new to me: I am amazed that such a group of people connected by such a tenuous thread can become what I would consider friends. These tiny glimpses onto each other's lives give such character and definition to you all as actual real people. Very cool indeed!
I also live in Estonia (Tallinn) but i'm not Estonian. Good to see you here Urmas. :thumbup:

Chris: I think the singers are handsome people in every country and yours isn't exception. :)
Btw. you are certainly right what goes about connecting people.

I know that...
I think, It would be nice to meet you someday. Time to times I visit Tallinn but then I'm always to busy. But let's change our contact data and discuss this meeting thing when opportunity opens.


Getting ready for work in who knows what city. Every hotel room looks alike after a while. I've already written enough about me elsewhere, but thought Ralphy, at least, deserves the effort it took this old fart to learn how to post a pic from my Mac. I salute all of you who have done the same. Sincerely, Dennis p.s. I just noticed in the pic that there is very little hair on my right arm. Wonder why?
OK! Here we gooooooooo........


That's me at a local 'hippie cafe' after a rather long and hard bike ride on a fine Sunday afternoon (needing a shave, I might add....).

Well, let's see. Maybe I'll go on a little bit more (don't know why this time should be any different than any other time...). 56 year old, live ~70 km west of Boston where I've been for ~10 years after moving here from way out in the boonies of rural Nevada. I do quite a lot of road bicycling and a fair bit of sea kayaking. Also play some pedal steel guitar, if you know what that is (it's that thing that looks like a big, giant, tabletop electric cheese slicer...).

Have always been drawn to the rocks, the trees, the hills, and have been making my living in some way related to that for some time. Used to map soils and landscapes, and then working in various earth science-related disciplines - research, teaching, industry - for some time now.

So - how could I not appreciate coticules???

Many thanks to Bart for putting this place together, for endless generosity, and for just generally being a good guy. Cheers!
Steve and Dennis,

It's nice to be able to put a face to the names. Thanks you for sharing. For a brief second I thought you worked on LoveBoat, Dennis! ;) You do remember LoveBoat, don't you?

Urmas, As a father of 2 little ladies, who sometimes grow up faster than I would like, I salute the family man withing you!

Now, if I only could figure out what the beer is, that Steve's enjoying...

Kind regards,
Bart said:
Now, if I only could figure out what the beer is, that Steve's enjoying...
Hint: It's not Chimay (and I'm not enjoying it!).

Seriously, it was recommended to me by the barkeep. It looks nice, but it turned out to be EXTREMELY high in hops. I felt like I had strapped on a feed bag and was trying to drink....:scared:
It wasn't Arrogant Bastard or Hoptical Illusion, was it?

Some people love them. I personally have decided that it's vile to put in so many hops and still call it beer.
danjared said:
It wasn't Arrogant Bastard or Hoptical Illusion, was it?

Some people love them. I personally have decided that it's vile to put in so many hops and still call it beer.
I think it was Smuttynose Old Brown Dog ale, and I think I goofed: it was really malty, not hoppy. I just about couldn't drink it (but I soldiered on...). This was up in the Berkshire foothills around Montague, Shelburne Falls, etc.
Woodash said:
danjared said:
It wasn't Arrogant Bastard or Hoptical Illusion, was it?

Some people love them. I personally have decided that it's vile to put in so many hops and still call it beer.
I think it was Smuttynose Old Brown Dog ale, and I think I goofed: it was really malty, not hoppy. I just about couldn't drink it (but I soldiered on...). This was up in the Berkshire foothills around Montague, Shelburne Falls, etc.

Ah. Well, I still disdain overly hoppy beer. ;) When I was living in Massachusetts, all my European friends found it odd how hoppy most American beers are.