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Now Then You Guys

Sheesh, at this rate you'll get there by the end of the day, if not sooner.:lol:

And please, call me David. I am far too young (19 if you were wonderin') to have earned my membership into the knighthood.

Alright, a little bit about me...

  • [li]My name is John[/li]
    [li]I'm 39, married, and have three stepchildren ages 23, 21, and 19[/li]
    [li]We live in northern Virginia about 30 minutes outside of D.C. (60 minutes if it's rush hour)[/li]
    [li]I'm a mechanical engineer by education but about 7 years ago I got tired of working for other people so I taught myself to become a copywriter (ad writer) and went into business for myself[/li]
    [li]Besides straight shaving and restoring razors, I also enjoy riding motorcycles (just got the wife her first motorcycle - we'll see how that goes) and barbecuing[/li]

love the thought of a coticule weekend and since I live in Belgium I'm obligated I expect?

agitated hyperactive duracell-bunny
A very good looking dog ...on the left side..right?
Welcome here John,this is a very friendly fragment of the www:thumbup:
Welcome John,

I figured one of your hobbies looking at your avatar.:)

Kind regards,
hello my name is Stijn

I live in belgium the land of the best beers in the world in a small town just outside bruges
I'm a student in IT

hobby's are:
playing guitar in my band (schrywoud)
listening to music
straight razors(did i needed to say that?)
and if i got some spare time spending it with my girlfriend

well that's about it
if you have questions: shoot

Hey Stijn,

you need to promote your band more.:)
I'm sure some of our members are into your music style. :thumbup:

Nice to have an active countryman on the forum.
By the way, music production is one of my other passionate activities.

Kind regards,
Picking blueberries in Coticule-country the year before last:

I'm from The Netherlands and in the past 15 years or so I've been - to name just a few things to stimulate your imagination - in no particular order: foreign student (eg. in Japan and the UK), coordinator custom training at the country's oldest language institute, unemployed for two separate years (self-chosen and waiving social benefits), chair of a district council, operating room cleaner at a military hospital, designer of my parents' new German garden, state auditor of decentralized welfare and unemployment benefit services, founder of a >1000 residents' committee, polling station president, hotel manager, singer in a symphony choir, voluntary Dutch language and culture teacher for exchange students, management information officer at a university, appointed governmental advisor for estate renovation and preservation, bin man.

Preferred pastimes: cycling, hiking, dining with friends, reading and gardening
Actual pastime: reading internet fora
Favourite musical style: baroque
Attitude towards organized sports: amazement at all the pointless fuzz
Marital status: bachelor
Religious affiliation: Restored Reformed Church
Car: 1998 Rover 618 Si
Bike: 2002 Shimano XT fitted Koga Miyata RoadRunner 'Pike'
Cherished poem: Los Justos (Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986) in La Cifra (1981))
Likes to quote: "If there's one thing I can't stand, it's people who think they're superior. It makes it so much harder for people like us, who are" (Patricia Routledge as Hyacinth Bucket in Keeping Up Appearances)
Envies: old-fashioned craftsmen, honest and sustainable creators of the useful, handsome and lasting
Now reading: Hammerstein oder der Eigensinn. Eine deutsche Geschichte. (Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Suhrkamp 2008)
Spends money on: food, drink, cigars, books, high end tools and cutlery, bespoke clothing - and natural hones :)
Thanks for posting Oldengaerde.
There's a fair chance that I have shaved myself on the banks of that same river.:)
Did you get the chance to pay Ardennes a visit?

vriendelijke groeten,
You've put this link in your post:
The syntax is correct, but the picture you linked to sits on the C:\ drive of your computer at home. That won't work. You need to link to a picture that's already present on the Internet. Only on the "MarketPlace" and "Coticule Tavern" section of, you can actually upload pictures to our server.
If you could upload the picture to a free website such as Photobucket, you can link it in between the IMG tags, and it would show up in your post.

Kind regards,
My real name is Carlos, I'm originally from the Caribbean and work in Europe as software engineer. Hobbies are wetshaving, cooking and photography (

