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OCtober 2019

Thursday morning:

Razorock Plissoft 26mm Monster
Super Speed/Rapira day 3
Bundubeard Klipspringer’s Kick SS
Prep ASB
Alt Innsbruck AS Splash
Obsession for Men EdT

After not shaving yesterday it felt absolutely heavenly to go at it this morning. First I had a nice long hot shower, and then I did a hot towel application four times followed by a good soaking of my face with hot water. It was delightful to smell that wonderful scent of the Klipspringer soap, and to work up a great lather which was so rich, thick as well as slick and protective with such a lovely menthol sensation. The Prep and the Alt Innsbruck gave me a perfect finish. It took FIVE passes to clean me up - yes, FIVE passes but now I’m as smooth as silk!
I looked hard, opened the image in a separate tab and zoomed like mad, but i did not see an OC, no trace whatsoever of teeth on this razor..?? Wrong thread?

No idea!
Tonight's shave was with a very rare version of the Gillette New Improved. Personally, I do not know why Gillette named it New Improved because it is really an Improved Old Type with a thicker base and better blade support. This version was part of the Cavalier Set and features a finely etched top cap and bottom of the base plate along with that fancy handle. Unfortunately I do not have the rest of the set.

The razor, for all it's beauty, shaves slightly rough (not as much as the Pocket Edition, but more than the Thick Cap), however it is very efficient. Tonight was another two pass plus touch up BBS.

10 cav 1.JPG
10 cav 2.JPG
Thursday morning:

Razorock Plissoft 26mm Monster
Super Speed/Rapira day 3
Bundubeard Klipspringer’s Kick SS
Prep ASB
Alt Innsbruck AS Splash
Obsession for Men EdT

After not shaving yesterday it felt absolutely heavenly to go at it this morning. First I had a nice long hot shower, and then I did a hot towel application four times followed by a good soaking of my face with hot water. It was delightful to smell that wonderful scent of the Klipspringer soap, and to work up a great lather which was so rich, thick as well as slick and protective with such a lovely menthol sensation. The Prep and the Alt Innsbruck gave me a perfect finish. It took FIVE passes to clean me up - yes, FIVE passes but now I’m as smooth as silk!
I looked hard, opened the image in a separate tab and zoomed like mad, but i did not see an OC, no trace whatsoever of teeth on this razor..?? Wrong thread?

No idea!
I believe @Wilco Roos is suggesting that this should be posted in the regular SOTD section as this OCtober 2019 section is for folks shaving with Open Comb razors for the month.
Razor: FaTip Grande OC (6)
Blade: Voskhod (1)
Pre-Shave: None
Soap: Tabac Shaving Stick
Brush: HJM pure badger, handle material plum wood
Aftershave: Physalis Hamameliswater
Aftershave: Tabac Aftershave lotion
Aftershave: Tabac Aftershave Balsem
EDT: Tabac

Timeless Ti 0.95 OC on hold (5)

Dag/Day/Tag (11) OCtober/Tabactober
Tonight's shave was with a very rare version of the Gillette New Improved. Personally, I do not know why Gillette named it New Improved because it is really an Improved Old Type with a thicker base and better blade support. This version was part of the Cavalier Set and features a finely etched top cap and bottom of the base plate along with that fancy handle. Unfortunately I do not have the rest of the set.

The razor, for all it's beauty, shaves slightly rough (not as much as the Pocket Edition, but more than the Thick Cap), however it is very efficient. Tonight was another two pass plus touch up BBS.

Ohh, what a stunning razor, now i am jealous:buana Never mind the rest of the set, you got the best part!
  • Gillette Big Fellow
  • Rapira Platinum Lux (3)
  • NOM Black Fibre
  • Noble Otter - Barrbarr
  • Van de Lovett AS Balm - Sailors Blend
  • Loris - So Oud
The Big Fellow is a bit like the 0.95 Timeless OC, harsh with pressure but very efficient. I like it a lot, as it just a tad less devastating as named counterpart. The Noble Otter is a nice scent albeit a tad sweet for my taste, i have to use it again soon, and see how the dice roles.
Big Fellow.jpg
@Wilco Roos, did you also find this one while shopping for antique glassware? Another rare Gillette and in very good condition. Good thing this one was not on my list because I would be so jealous again. :daumenhoch
This one i got from a friend because he procured one still in its wooden box from the same early era, that is after he put it up for sale on Marktplaats and no-one wanted it for 35,- When i asked if i could buy it from him, he made it an early birthday gift.
For tonight's shave, I go with my common, mass produced, nothing fancy Gillette New Short Comb. This will never be confused with the Long Comb as there is much more blade feel, however a much more efficient shave. Two passes and minimal touch up for a BBS. :daumenhoch

11 sc.JPG
Razor: FaTip Grande OC (7)
Blade: Voskhod (2)
Pre-Shave: None
Soap: Tabac Shaving Stick
Brush: HJM pure badger, handle material plum wood
Aftershave: Physalis Hamameliswater
Aftershave: Tabac Aftershave lotion
Aftershave: Tabac Aftershave Balsem
EDT: Tabac

Timeless Ti 0.95 OC on hold (5)

Dag/Day/Tag (#12) OCtober/Tabactober

Pre-shave: Vitos Menthol
Shaving Soap / Cream: Lea Classic
After Shave : Lea Classic
After Shave Balm: Lea Classic

Shaving Brush: Shavemac 24 mm. Fan Silvertip Badger 2 bander

Safety Razor: Windrose “Fasan”
Razor Blade: Gillette Nacet

The Windrose "Fasan" clone is by far one of the most beautiful shaving heads I have in my possession. :)

Unfortunately it is also one of the worst shaving razors I have in my possession. Teufel

Aligning the blade on the bottom and top plate is quite a challenge.

If you have done this then it turns out to be a very mildly shaving razor that only cuts off some of the beard stubble with one cutting angle.

Fortunately, one of my great loves in shaving soap is and remains that more than delicious Lea Classic line. rasierensmilie
@The King, beauty is only skin deep. You should be lucky if your Fasan did not get to that point. ;)

Personally I prefer the other Windrose slant, the one that is an Il de France clone. It shaves better and you can use it for a finishing hammer for your carpentry projects. :lol
@The King, beauty is only skin deep. You should be lucky if your Fasan did not get to that point. ;)

Personally I prefer the other Windrose slant, the one that is an Il de France clone. It shaves better and you can use it for a finishing hammer for your carpentry projects. :lol

I've had them in my possession for years, but to my shame I have to say that I've never used them before.

It's probably because I'm so much opposed to its rough and clumsy appearance. :mad:

Although big, ugly, clumsy and looking like a hammer, you would expect this razer at Snuffie's house. :kaputtlachen1

@gvw755 There's a long ongoing argument between @Snuff and @The King about the apearance of the Pils razor. Hans thinks it is a hammer, Ron likes it. Starting about items for a toolshed really is opening a can of worms :lol
Just so y'all know where I'm standing: The Windrose IdF-copy is ugly, the Pils sheer beauty.
@gvw755 There's a long ongoing argument between @Snuff and @The King about the apearance of the Pils razor. Hans thinks it is a hammer, Ron likes it. Starting about items for a toolshed really is opening a can of worms :lol
Just so y'all know where I'm standing: The Windrose IdF-copy is ugly, the Pils sheer beauty.

Just Richard keeps me going in there when all of a sudden others start talking about tools. :lol
Tonight's shave was with my most unusual and finest OC razor - Weck Medical Prep (not to be confused with the Surgical Prep, which was a straight razor). It appears very scary, however it is the smoothest and most efficient shaver I own. Tonight I also tried out my newly acquired 26mm silvertip badger brush. Unfortunate for me, the brush created enough lather for five passes and the Weck took just one pass plus touch up for a BBS. daumenh!

Razor: Tatara Masamune OC (1)
Blade: Feather (1)
Pre-Shave: None
Soap: Tabac Shaving Stick
Brush: HJM pure badger, handle material plum wood
Aftershave: Physalis Hamameliswater
Aftershave: Tabac Aftershave lotion
Aftershave: Tabac Aftershave Balsem
EDT: Tabac

FaTip Grande OC on hold (#7)
Timeless Ti 0.95 OC on hold (#5)

Dag/Day/Tag (#13) OCtober/Tabactober

First save with a feather blade.I don't understand the hype about feather, it performs like all other blades i own. I will see wath it's live is.
The Masamune is probaly my most efficient razor in my stable, me because it have drag. For me it's more efficient as my Timeless SS 0.95 OC and that says a lot.