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Oh gosh, just regular polishing compounds, grey on a sisal mop for hard work, brown on cotton next and to finish if its just blade steel I am polishing. And green on cotton for scales, pins etc
You really did a great job on this one..The blade has got a bit of a different curvature than before but it looks great!!!
And that big ol` blade has been slimmed significantly so the shape is now a near wedge(?).
And the reduction in weight and balance just made it perfect.
I would like to post some pictures but that will have to wait a bit..but they will be here for you gents to admire Sir Bart of Sheffields wonderfull work:thumbup:
Tonight it will be thoroughly test shaved..now that something I`m looking forward to.
Thank you once again Sir Bart..Very kind of you indeed and in the true spirit of this great little site:thumbup: :thumbup:
The shave was sweet,gentle mellow and comforting...sharpness were not at dispute, it was melting hair away..so continued a tad bit above ususal...and what the heck..bald as an egg again:thumbup:
Well....the edge needs a little more works, the shave was nice and smooth but not quite sharp enough for me, so I will give it a bit more time on the old coti, and give it another try :thumbup:
As soon as I get a "Happy Shave" I will strop, oil, and return
I thank you for giving me a chance to enjoy this beautiful old girl my friend.
I have to say that Barts work on this razor is outstanding, I thought I posted about it before but maybe I didnt, or it got lost in the server change
Once again the Tally Ho returned safely from another journey....Once again it went to my brother Ralfy in the UK. Before that she went to Sir Bart in Belgium. As you might know, Bart reground and honed her. Gave the most wonderful shave after that,thanks again Bart.
After some time and a couple of head shaves(really wears down even the best edge) it went,amongst other things,to Ralfy`s. He honed her as well..and Damn Ralfy makes a smooth and extremely sharp edge! HHT-4 to 5 on my thin arm hair! The shave was completely HBBS (Halle Berry Butt Smooth)and most comfortable. Darn you know how to hone Doc:thumbup: This edge is something to strive for..like the edges of Sir Bart and Mr. Ray..all of you guys are little mesters. Thanks again Ralfy.
WOW HBBS! now thats smooth :thumbup:
Thank you for the kind words my friend, I strive to please and am very happy you enjoyed the shave, now get yer ass over to Roberts and post your SOTD! hahahaha
Best wishes and thanks again