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"Wetshaving World" forum is gone

BlacknTan said:
I too got banned from SRP.
I had the abject audacity to disagree with the all knowing, omnipotent Glen when he was posting information that was obviously wrong. Contrary to Glen's signature, "Always Very Respectfully," which couldn't be further from the truth, my answer in that thread was respectful and courteous, in spite of Glen talking down to, and bullying other members of the forum.
Glen responded, in the way I've become used to him acting. Oh, I could have stayed on at SRP if I bowed down to kiss Glen's a... err feet. I had no intention of that, and told him so. I knew what he wanted to do, and why. I told him is was within his power to delete my account, and if that was his choice, to go ahead and do so. He did, and that's OK... Life goes on, and there are much more important things to worry about.
As to why??? I can only surmise... I had recently bought my first coticule after using the Naniwa SuperStones. Of course I read how "totally awesome" they were on SRP... "TOTALLY!" So, I took a good slug of the Kool-Aid and bought them from... You guessed it SRD. The price was fair, service good.. no complaints. But when I bought the coticule, everything changed... Guilt by association perhaps?? In any case, after enduring the typical "fanboy" insults from Lynn on WSW, and now what I've read and learned other places, it all becomes quite clear!
When I first joined SRP, I assumed it was a place for an honest and open exchange of information concerningb the seemingly innocent subject of shaving.. We all know what happens when we ASS-U-ME. Well, I learned a valuable lesson... One I knew before, but it bore re-learning. When money and business co-mingle with the world of hobbies and recreation, all the joy soon leaves.

Knowing what I know now, I'm ecstatic not to be a member of SRP any longer, and for whomever owns SRP, or has a hand on the helm, they should be very thankful that is different, or they would have been banned a loooong time ago.

It seems a badge of honor to be banned from SRP... All the good people are doing it.

I applaud Ralfy decision to ban Lynn, and support it wholheartedly. He should have done the same to Glen, but he shows too mkuch tolerance and class! I referred to them as Dr. Evil (Lynn) and Mini-Me (Glen), because the only time they ever showed up on WSW was as a tag team, designed to create mayhem.
That said, I wish the two big fish all the best in their small pond...

You do realize that I was talking about you in my example, right?
And if you and Ralf give me the ok I am perfectly willing to copy your post here that made me close your account. You know, the incident which you told Ralf came out of the blue and which you said was unprovoked?

I know we don't normally do that for privacy reasons but just give me permission and that argument is not a problem anymore. Because I am getting sick of being misrepresented here.

EDIT: I'll have to go now, be back in a couple of hours.
Bruno said:
BeBerlin said:
Bruno said:
Btw since you reply came in just after mine you might have missed my edit so I post it here again: If I may ask: why exactly did you ban Lynn (assume for a moment that I have no clue, which would be accurate?)
Bruno, you're a star. Since your peers were so keen on insinuating that this site somehow benefits from the report in question, may I ask how much you are getting paid for your intervention here? And may I also gently inquire why you would not discuss reasons from bans from SRP, but try to coax the people here into divulging theirs?

What my peers insinuate is their business if it happenes outside of SRP.
I also hope you know better than thinking I would be paid anything for anything I do online, in any way, shape or form.

As for why I ask, that is simple. From hat I read so far, I have the impression that Lynn was his usual self and not too diplomatic in something he posted in public. From there I have a couple of observations.

First, I often get lambasted because of not talking about bans in public by several members here. I guess it is only fair to turn the tables.

Secondly and more importantly, I'll assume that Lynn was rude or whatever. Sometime ago we had a CBE member being really rude and provocative in a honing discussion. His final post he mentioned that he didn't see anything wrong ith posting like that, and that we were free to delete his account if we didn't see it like that, which I did.

Only then I get a PM by Ralf, telling me in a nice way that what I did was ungentlemanly because said member told him that he was banned totally unprovoked. Even when I explained that that asn't the case, he didn't really believe me and still thought that those reasons did not suffice. I still have the PM btw, as well as the deleted posts, just in case my word is not good enough. He almost yet not quite called me a liar, but in the most gentlemanly terms of course, saying he only had his word for it, but he trusted said person and considered him a respectable gentleman.

Seems like this situation is almost exactly the same, except with the names reversed.
We have someone being rude and banned. Only when Ralf does it he is almost called a hero, and if I do it I get called rude, my honesty is called in question, and of course I am not being a gentleman.

EDIT: The letter 'w' seems to be misfunctioning on my keyboard. If there are 'w's missing, that would be the reason, just in case anyone is wondering.

This sounds like my incident.
Please feel free to post whatever you have. I'd be very interested to see if you have what I really wrote for one, and for the other, I'd be happy to have it put into the light of day and let people decide for themselves where the truth lies.
Holy crap !!! With all due respect to you decade-long straight razor farts, but can you please quit that?! ALL OF YOU !

I've been shaving with a straight for one year now. I'm a newbie. So what!? But I am really getting annoyed by those guerrilla wars being fought in the publicity of the forums. You guys got issues? Fine! Straighten them out! But may I humbly suggest that you change the platform for doing so?
I guess - or actually I assume - that the vast part of the silent minority comes here for the same reasons: To exchange, to learn and to enjoy a good read.
I do not know what all happened to make you guys come to this point. I will never really know and therefore, I do not care. Because If I would care I'd have to take position and I do not want to do that. That is not what I am here for! But being forced to repeatedly watch dirty laundry being washed in public is peer pressure at its finest. And that sucks!

Ok so your account ban was totally unexpected after this?

Well, I have no intention of turning this into an internet argument, but a few points, if I may be so bold.

If you consider my post rude, you obviously never worked in some of the places I have! Ahhh, but the world has changed to a place of "political correctness.
Glen, you sign every post "Very Respectfully," but the disdain you hold for posters with less experience that yourself is very self evident. I thought this was a place for peers to discuss, but you quite obviously do not consider yourself a peer. Many people, myself included, do not appreciate being "spoken down" to. I had a Father, he's gone, and I do not need another!

Now, to your points that have a quite obvious answer, even to someone with as little knowledge as myself!
Of course a linen strop after honing will have more metallic residue that an after shave linen strop... I would believe that that just goes without even saying. It doesn't change the fact that metal, even heat treated metal, is just not as hard and durable as many folks tend to believe, and it only takes very slight abrasive action for metallic particles to be left on a surface.

I'm sincerely sorry if I had the "chutzpah" to add my thoughts in a forum where the less experienced do not belong!

The first part of the post was ok, but the last paragraph was a pain insult and a provocation for hich you received a warning.

Warned??? For what??

If there is no room for thoughts from the less experienced... If there are folks above reproach, who's possibly erroneous ideas cannot be questioned in a respectful manner, which I did... I attacked no one... feel free to delete my membership.
I like to participate where all are considered equals, but if I must be an underling to survive, it's just not for me.

You called us elitists and class based and claimed that you would only be tolerated as a sycophant, and then you said 'feel free to delete my membership'

Here on CBE you are alays talking about politeness, respect and being gentlemanly.
So why is that too much to ask on SRP? Ralf wasn't banned for what he posted on SRP or for disagreeing with me, and he disagreed with me more than you did.
I personally don't know why I got banned. I don't normally post a whole lot and I don't "promote" any particular system. After being a member on SRP for 2.5 years with about 900 posts, I would have appreciated a warning of some sort before getting banned. Really low of them to do that..I've also tried to reach them to see why I got banned and never received an answer at all.

BlacknTan said:
While you're away, be sure to edit enough so you look quite rosy..

Are you calling me a fraud or a liar?

I don't know what Robin thinks of me these days, but I think he would for the fact that he has never knon me to lie despite being aware of most I did on SRP.. If you don't trust me, perhaps that should count for something.
jfdupuis said:
I personally don't know why I got banned. I don't normally post a whole lot and I don't "promote" any particular system. After being a member on SRP for 2.5 years with about 900 posts, I would have appreciated a warning of some sort before getting banned. Really low of them to do that..I've also tried to reach them to see why I got banned and never received an answer at all.


Let me check. I'll get back later. No I really need to run.
I will know that when you post the items that brought about my ban.

And BTW, If they are truly my words, I'm man enough to admit it.
BlacknTan said:
I will know that when you post the items that brought about my ban.

And BTW, If they are truly my words, I'm man enough to admit it.

They're the last post on page 3. You just missed it.
Bruno said:
Both Lynn and Glen have written about 1 stone honing, and posted about it in the main forums. How is what you guys do different, and why would it impact their bottom line.

I didn't suggest it would? I simply used an example, and didn't mention either of those two people.

However you do raise an interesting point, and one I feel sure will ring true about our recent BBW report.
when the Unicot and Dilocut methods were released, a pattern of response followed:
The methods effectiveness was denied, but it worked for lots of people
The developer was discredited, but the method still worked
The method gained popularity and didnt go away

Instead certain self proclaimed experts, modified it slightly and claimed they had researched it independently from each other, and without each others knowledge, simply amazing. And this was after one of them had honed over 1000 razors on a coticule, you would have thought he would have tried it earlier.

Bruno said:
Btw since you reply came in just after mine you might have missed my edit so I post it here again: If I may ask: why exactly did you ban Lynn (assume for a moment that I have no clue, which would be accurate?)

I did indeed miss the edit Bruno, and am happy to answer with as much respect and consideration as you show your banned members:

Reason for ban: No reason given.

Ralfson (Dr)
holy crap is this happening again?

Ok here it goes I don't think these disputes should be discussed here, this are things that should be settled in private, there is no way this thread was meant to be a place to discuss whether SRP is a good forum/managed or not.
I cannot help thinking this is becoming a very childish thread of insulting each other. That said I find it sad you are acting like this. also I hind it hard to say all this to people who are mostly twice my own age.

Yes, those are my posts, verbatim, but you did not include what preceded them. Glen talking down to (read bullying), another member with the same tired old saw... "I honed ten million razors, don't even think to discuss with me..".. As if rubbing steel on rocks were something new, and Glen was the only true keeper of the light.

I have no argument with you, Bruno. Being banned happened, it's not earth shattering, I have a life and family apart from the computer. But, I must say this, if SRP were my business, and I cared about my own reputation as a businessman, Lynn would be held accounbtable, and Glen would be gone as a moderator because he is temperamentally unfit.
I'm sure all involved are nice people in person... Just as when some people get behind the wheel of a car, the internet and it's anonymity change people, and not at all for the better.

So, thank you for posting my errant posts, although I don't see where they are all that errant, but I'll let others be the judge of that, but, you did not post the entire story, i.e., all that led up to it, so those posts are terribly out of context..

But, we all need to live with our own conscience, don't we?

BTW, Did Glen ever inform you of the number of times I offered the olive branch in PM's on WSW? An olive branch, incidentally, that he refused to pick up?
geruchtemoaker said:
holy crap is this happening again?

Ok here it goes I don't think these disputes should be discussed here, this are things that should be settled in private, there is no way this thread was meant to be a place to discuss whether SRP is a good forum/managed or not.
I cannot help thinking this is becoming a very childish thread of insulting each other. That said I find it sad you are acting like this. also I hind it hard to say all this to people who are mostly twice my own age.


This gentleman is totally correct!

I rose to the bait of someone from SRP entering another forum to create mayhem once again... And it worked!

My profuse apologies to all members of I should know better.
Ok gents

[warn]Please understand that this sort of debate is never very productive, emotions become involved, and past issues get raised[/warn]

Although I didn't start this thread, I did feel a need to respond to certain matters raised, and have tried to do so in a respectful manner, I am not suggesting anyone else is doing otherwise, and ask that we all think as to whether this line of conversation is worth continuing.

many thanks
Ralfson (Dr)
tat2Ralfy said:
Ok gents

[warn]Please understand that this sort of debate is never very productive, emotions become involved, and past issues get raised[/warn]

Although I didn't start this thread, I did feel a need to respond to certain matters raised, and have tried to do so in a respectful manner, I am not suggesting anyone else is doing otherwise, and ask that we all think as to whether this line of conversation is worth continuing.

many thanks
Ralfson (Dr)

You have shown that you are doing exactly the same things that I do on SRP, yet you criticize me for doing the same. The only difference is that here you do it with home advantage, so to speak, so noone will criticize you because we're all gentlemen and 'we' are better than 'them'.

I see that the post where blackntan insinuated that I would edit his posts before posting them still stands. If I were to insinuate something like that about him, no doubt you would call that un-gentlemanly and come to his aid. Almost as if this is also a class based forum where some people should be treated more gentlemanly than others.

Regardless. You are right that nothing good can come from discussions like this.
So I'll bow out here...
Having read through all of my posts in this thread, I cannot find one example of my criticising you Bruno.
However I thank you for your opinion.

Maybe you missed the post with Blackntans apology?

Oh and Robin, you missed the "H" out of "oh" not like a perfectionist to do that, not that I am saying you are one of course lol

Ralfson (Dr)
This thread does seem like it shouldn't be here, but quite frankly, there are others, I am sure, who have been banned from SRP and were never told why and would like to know, ME included. That banning was over 1 year ago, and although I still have not been told why, by now I am sure a reason has probably been made up. My profile is still active and it even says I was last on the forum in June, which is a blatant and outright LIE. They still collect any email sent to my profile and read it, but don't forward it to me, the owner, and I am sure this is how they handle everyone else.

Perhaps some of us will never know why we were banned, but it should be a matter of record for others to know how SRP treats it membership and what they might expect from them if they are new to Straight Razor Shaving.
