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Comparing Shaves From Coticules, Thuringians, and Escher Stones

Just to be sure, neither was I (mocking) - nor, I think, was Jared. Just semi-disbelief at the complexity and the highly involved nature.
I meant mud as in Honzan slurry or tomonagura slurry on the Jnat which is referred to as mud, not actual mud mud LOL.

I personally don't go through all that for an edge I am fine with one finisher...
I understood the mud "natural honers do it with mud" type of thing
What I don't for the life of me get, is such a progression after Coticule on water ? I mean come on, I think someone needs to learn how to use a Coticule properly if they have to do that much work afterwards to get a great edge :blink:

Ralfson (Dr)
I think he needs to learn to hone... instead of mixing up concoctions in search of a shaving edge.
Please mind the business aspect, gentlemen. The guy hones for money, like most of SRP's vendorators. With razor honing being a niche market, there is a strong need to present a unique selling proposition. Since razor honing isn't exactly rocket science, and 99% of all beginners will kill whatever makes one of these honesheister edges magic through bad stropping, anyhow, you have to do four things to become successful:

  • [li]Sell "restored" eBay junk by the dozen, and encourage your buyers to post tear jerking stories about how great your service is, and how unbelievably super special your skillz are. Remember that you need many, many satisfied losers, but also some high ranking, and highly vocal, helpers for your little viral marketing scheme to work. So...[/li]
    [li]Join up with a group of like minded induhviduals, taking care that the overlap between your market claims is minimal. Like, one vendorator flooding the forum with costume scales, the other with restored blades ("restored" as in all history taken out of them), the third coming up with TOTALLY NEW insite's INTO HONING!!!!!!!1 Mix, match, repeat.[/li]
    [li]Kill the competition. Forbid free honing, because, uhhhh... well, it's not, like, good for business, but you cannot say that. So it's dangerous, because only you and your business associates will actually send those razors back. Or something. Never mind the logic, as your target group has an IQ < 90. Which is why you need to take one last step...[/li]
    [li]Talk like a drooling idiot. Give every tool used a cutesy nickname, and misspell it. "Thüringer? I do not have those Nazi dots on my keyboard. Thurry's! Coticule? Too gay. Coti's!" And so on. But you have to do it constantly, and you have to do it consistently. Just like to have to talk about your so called experiments all the time. Just because you are a mentally challenged basement dweller does not mean you cannot turn your handicap into money. [/li]
You see, it really is that simple. What I haven't really understood is whether these guys actually believe some of the shit they serve their clients for breakfast. I'm not talking about that Russian Fascist in particular, but his breed in general. Do they really believe that dragging a razor across more than one hone will make a difference that will stand a double-blind test?

Well, good morning, everyone, anyhow. What lovely weather. Time to shower and shave. Now, where is that DD Napoleon I recently bought...?
I have unpublished 3 posts.

1. There is no doubt that Sham can hone razors. Stating otherwise borders on libel.
You can discuss whether there are benefits in the use of such an elaborate progression, but unless you are willing to try and copy his results, you cannot question the man's abilities and even less so his motives.

2. This is a technical discussion forum. Anything that doesn't directly deal with the technical aspects of the topic at hand, must go in the Miscellaneous section. There is currently an active thread about "honemeisters" (a split off from another thread). It would be ok to continue part of the disallowed discussion over there, but be aware that anything that smells like defamation can not be tolerated)

Kind regards,
Back on track then :)

I understood "mud" and it's also "lather" as it has been called way back

Ralfson (Dr)
And as I understand it… another name for slurry is mud, so I was a bit confused. However if “mud” in this case, means slurry from another stone, then that would make sense.

I would sometimes experiment with slurry from other stones… such as; slurry from a Coticule on a barber hone… it really changes the sharpening properties of the barber hone.
When using Japanese stones Mud referrs to the natural slurry that the stones release when using a Nagura on Honzan tomonagura. Lather in the old days could've meant actual soap or slurry from a can be confusing lol.

I've used different slurry types on different stones before, including Coti slurry on a Swaty, BBW slurry on a Norton 4/8K (which I liked a lot) and Escher YG slurry on a Japanese Nakayama Kiita stone.
Both BBW & coticule slurry on a 1K-3K Naniwa superstone is quite pleasant.
Makes the stone cut faster & also seems to make the edge less scratchy, since I've noticed that I need to spend less time on the 5K after the 1K with slurry from coti/BBW.
Jens said:
Both BBW & coticule slurry on a 1K-3K Naniwa superstone is quite pleasant.
Makes the stone cut faster & also seems to make the edge less scratchy, since I've noticed that I need to spend less time on the 5K after the 1K with slurry from coti/BBW.

I've had a similar experience using coticule slurry on a 1k Naniwa. Can't say I noticed that it was faster but no apparent decrease in speed and certainly gentler. Seemed to help with two razors that just kept on microchipping on it otherwise. Two is a pathetically small sample so I wasn't sure whether I was disappearing into anal retention land, but it's encouraging to hear that someone else has experienced much the same.
AlanII said:
Jens said:
Both BBW & coticule slurry on a 1K-3K Naniwa superstone is quite pleasant.
Makes the stone cut faster & also seems to make the edge less scratchy, since I've noticed that I need to spend less time on the 5K after the 1K with slurry from coti/BBW.

I've had a similar experience using coticule slurry on a 1k Naniwa. Can't say I noticed that it was faster but no apparent decrease in speed and certainly gentler. Seemed to help with two razors that just kept on microchipping on it otherwise. Two is a pathetically small sample so I wasn't sure whether I was disappearing into anal retention land, but it's encouraging to hear that someone else has experienced much the same.
Yes, I certainly have nothing to back it up with, but it sure feels like it makes a difference.