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Feb 2nd 2020 - Feb 8th 2020


Well-Known Member
Sunday morning shave,
Otto Busch Weltmeister 865 rostfrei, 5/8
Stirling Kong synthetic brush
Stirling Varen soap and AS.
Day (1of 7)
Razor: Timeless SS 0.95 OC (USA)
Blade: Hema (3)
Pre-Shave: None
Shaving Bowl: Edwin Jagger (England)
Soap: Nivea Originals shaving cream (Germany)
Brush: 30mm Synbad Winter Handle (Canada)
Aftershave: Di Barba Alum (Italian)
Aftershave: Nivea Deep Comfort (Germany)
Aftershave: De Vergulde Hand after Shave Balm
EDT: Nivea Just Blue
Rod Neep Silvertip extra dense LE 2014 #07/12 Shasoc,
The Vulfix English Rose,
Gillette Tech Fat Handle,
Racer Super Stainless 6th x,
Rose of Bulgaria AS,
Naturlife Krem Vazelin Gül Ve Aloevera Özlü,
Rose Fernelle Provence et Nature Edt.


Brush and soap:
Rod Neep Silvertip extra dense LE 2014 #07/12 Shasoc and The Vulfix English Rose:
The Rod Neep Silvertip extra dense LE 2014 #07/12 Shasoc is noticeably better than the Oumo, but when I consider what that brush has cost me at that time, the Oumo alone wins the price/quality ratio. So far 2 hairs have come out of the Oumo and the Neep from 2014 loses still some hairs after 92 turns. The tips of the Neep are softer, but that's not impressive. The Vulfix English Rose is very easy to lather with the Neep, but that would go just as well with the Oumo. This soap is very delicious roses.
Blade and razor:
The Racer Super Stainless for the 6th x used.
The Racer Super Stainless has disappeared in the piggy bank. 6x is just enough. Still pretty good shaved with the combi Gillette Tech Fat Handle and the Racer Super Stainless, but it's enough.
Result: BBS.
Finally: Again straight to roses: Rose of Bulgaria AS, Naturlife Krem Vazelin Gül Ve Aloevera Özlü and Rose Fernelle Provence et Nature Edt. Nice again.

Pre-Shave: None
Shaving Soap / Cream: Cabtree & Evelyn Nomad

Aftershave: Obsession
Eau de Toilette: Obsession

Shaving Brush: Shavemac 26 mm. Fan Silvertip Badger DO1

DE-Razor: Lutz slant
DE-Blade: Gillette Nacet 2x
Paladin Buck Rogers 26mm 2CSNL3 fan, Cobalt
Castle Forbes - Lavender
Gibbs - Ref13
Voskhod (3)

This shave marks the end of my CF Lavender. I can see myself purchasing this again.
The Gibbs Ref13 shaves mighty nice. The two sides have clear, distinct characteristics, feedback is good, angle is easy, and it shaves efficiently and thorough.
Day (2 of 7)
Razor: Timeless SS 0.95 OC (USA)
Blade: Hema (4)
Pre-Shave: None
Shaving Bowl: Edwin Jagger (England)
Soap: Nivea Originals shaving cream (Germany)
Brush: 30mm Synbad Winter Handle (Canada)
Aftershave: Di Barba Alum (Italian)
Aftershave: Nivea Deep Comfort (Germany)
Aftershave: De Vergulde Hand after Shave Balm
EDT: Nivea Just Blue
J&T® Zebrano OUMO Brush SHD WT (Super High Density, White Tips) finest 2-band badger 24 mm,
Martin de Candre Rose,
Gillette 7'O Clock New Made in England,
Apache Personna 1e x,
PeReJa Rose edc,
Naturlife Krem Vazelin Gül Ve Aloevera Özlü,
Rose Fernelle Provence et Nature Edt.

The J&T® Zebrano OUMO Brush SHD WT (Super High Density, White Tips) finest 2-band badger 24 mm is such a pleasant brush that it should stay here. The Martin de Candre Rose is decent, but also pure and technically ordinary MdC quality.
Furthermore, also a good turn.