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Walbusch / Walter Busch & Sohn

Parece que la tapa está mal colocada.
The lid of the razor is not incorrectly placed, I have observed this morning that it is put in one position or another, one side remains separated and does not block the razor blade when pressed
I send the photos I took this morning, turning the head cover
I have come to the conclusion that the famous tensions of the material that I mentioned and that I had not seen cause one of the "posts" of the head cover to not fit well

I'm going to try to correct it with a nail file by filing the post so that it fits completely and I will try to use it again, because for me this was always a very Intimidating razor, but now I understand that really half of the blade was "floating" without control, and that had to be the problem!
The lid of the razor is not incorrectly placed, I have observed this morning that it is put in one position or another, one side remains separated and does not block the razor blade when pressed
I send the photos I took this morning, turning the head cover
I have come to the conclusion that the famous tensions of the material that I mentioned and that I had not seen cause one of the "posts" of the head cover to not fit well

View attachment 36994
it's the subhead in reverse!! I hope you haven't tried to shave with the razor mounted like this.. :kaputtlachen1
it's the subhead in reverse!! I hope you haven't tried to shave with the razor mounted like this.. :kaputtlachen1
Oh! .... it's true, (what a pipiolo mistake! ) ☹️ I'll try to shave this afternoon with her. thank you !

I need to clarify if it is as aggressive as I remember from the first times I used it to shave.
That feeling of aggressiveness, I generally had with almost all slant razors, and yet, now they are my favorites, especially the Hoffritz...

I have read in some forums that this has also happened to some users, because over the years their type of beard hair changes, and what was previously too aggressive later becomes an especially good razor.

I'm going to give it another chance, because I had bought this model out of curiosity, but I used it very rarely.